Am I the only one?


Well-Known Member
That checks on here every three or four hours hoping/waiting for the news that we have signed a significant player to round out this upcoming season !!! WOW I'M JONES N for some info!!! Need to get this over with so
I can get into the football team lol Go Hawks
No you are not, I am the same.

I like the coaching staff additions, but have to say I am surprised we have Basabe as the only recruit at this point. Let me say surprised, not necessarily disappointed. Fran did not rush to make staff additions, so he may well know what he might get for recruits.

He did go on record saying he expected potentially two more, which I would assume have to be strong or why bother. Just save them otherwise. Quality over quantity, knowing he hopefully has more to boast about after 6-12 months at the helm.

Regardless, I look for news 3-4 times a day.
It is my newest vice, 3 to 4 times a day. Nothing against the LOST chat or the other non hawkeye info, but I need a hawkeye fix.
I am still waiting for that 1 more signee for the 2010 class. So yes, I keep checking this site along with another one.
That's makes 6 of us die-hards so far.

Waiting for that one last recruit for 2010 and the announcement of the GA position.
You're not alone. My cell phone internet browser opens to hawkeyenation basketball forum - not just the general website, but the basketball forum.
I am suer Jon Miller loves this because it helps his traffic numbers for advertisers. Good for him though, more power to him. He is our number one fan, maybe, and if he can profit off of our fervor, great. Capitalism baby! This site broke the Basabe signing so I think it will break any future signing so I check it often. Love the passion of the fans.
Whew!!! thanks ,I was starting to think i was obsessed (I am). This is a good site I used to be pretty faithful to another but it has dissolved down to nothing(I had to leave the nest and branch out...hint hint) This coach has been real good at keeping the attention on the program. The info comes sparingly, then when you least expect it He'll drop a bombshell on you and start the excitement right back up again!! thats the way to stimulate the fan base. this time may be lack of activity, or being in the wait-n-see mode hope something good happens soon.
I check this site 8-10 times a day during the week. That is an addiction...

On the weekends, I scale it back to once or twice a day Saturday, and a little more than that Sunday. It really depends on what is going on here. I will make time if I need to. Miller definitely has us all hooked because of our undying love for the black and gold!
Not every 3 or 4 hours, but I definitely come out here at least once a day to see if anything is happening.. :)
That checks on here every three or four hours hoping/waiting for the news that we have signed a significant player to round out this upcoming season !!! WOW I'M JONES N for some info!!! Need to get this over with so
I can get into the football team lol Go Hawks

Thank goodness I'm not alone! I'm glad he hasn't wasted any sholly's, but it sure would be nice to hear some more positive recruiting news.
I too am obsessed. It feels so good to be excited about Hawkeye basketball again. I hope more good news is coming soon. I know next year will be rough, but I am so optimistic and excited for the future!! I am on the Basketball forum at least twice a day.

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