Alot Of Speculation Regarding Injuries???


Well-Known Member
According to what I have read in posts on this site:

A-Rob=High Ankle Sprain
Wegher=possible broken ribs
Greenwood=possible concussion, or collarbone
Sandeman=possible concussion
Richardson=broken bone in foot
Hunter=not really sure

Here is what I know from watching last night or heard during the game:

A-Rob=rolled his ankle, left the game and did not return, apparently was seen on crutches after the game. Apparently after the game, A Rob said he is fine. We have no idea the severity of his injury or if he will miss the game this Saturday.

Wegher=Highly doubt he has broken ribs, he came back in the game and was in the game celebrating at the end. My guess is he is good to go Saturday.

Greenwood=We don't know the severity of his injury. He was up walking around in the locker room. The sideline reporter at the game last night spoke to his Mom and she said her boy was OK. Still, we don't know his availability this weekend.

Sandman=yes it was a vicious hit that looked bad. He walked off the field under his own power. Again we do not know the severity or his availability this weekend.

Richardson=Broken bone in foot, out this Saturday.

Hunter=Still not sure.

So, before we all get bent out of shape speculating over who is hurt and who is not, who will play and who will not, who is going to burn a redshirt, so forth and so on......Relax!!! At this point, the only person who is for sure out for Saturday is Dace. Other than that, every other injury may be minor. We should hear more in the next few days!!!
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On his TV show last night, Kirk said Dace likely out til Bowl, ARob could be out a while with Ankle...nothing certain on 22 or 30, and Wegher hurt ribs but to play against Indiana...a steep price for that win.

If Iowa can win the next two at home, the price may be a loss at Ohio State...but they could get to that point and not need that win to win the B10 title
I think people speculate (usually the worse case scenario) because they are waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I would hold out Sandeman, greenwood, a-rob, and also hunter. Get these guys healthy, our 2nd string players can hang with Indiana.

I thought conklin did a good job the other night, he got thrown into a tough spot, and MSU QB made a great play on the TD.

Sandemann we have enough depth at WR that he shouldn't need to play this weekend. The only problem is who returns punts? I would say throw DJK or Spivey back to return the punts.

A-rob needs to rest until the OSU game. Give him a couple of weeks off that ankle. Wegher can carry the load and if he needs a break, throw in Paki or even Brinson. I think that Brinson might be able to go this week, rumor was he was on the sideline in uniform? don't know if anyone can confirm that or not.

Hunter, allow jeff t to play a little more. We are going to need Hunter down the road, jeff play on passing situations anyway, so this week vs IU i expect to see jeff T in the line-up.
I don't think you will see Kirk "rest" anyone, if they can go. He has made it very well known that we need to take it one game at a time. Go Hawks!