Alford and Hoiberg pwn Fran yet again

Factor in rebuilding (especially after Lickter), and Fran's rank is impressive.
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Factor in rebuilding (especially after Lickter), and Fran's rank is impressive.

OK4prez hang it up. You run to this board whenever anything bad happens and troll the same old crap.

What was your next post going to be NIT or Alford?
I've never understood the animosity toward OK4P - he's in it "4 teh lulz" as the kids say and the only people I've ever seen him lay into really had it coming. People can't take a joke/sarcasm.
I've never understood the animosity toward OK4P - he's in it "4 teh lulz" as the kids say and the only people I've ever seen him lay into really had it coming. People can't take a joke/sarcasm.

Trolling on the sports boards is a direct violation of forum rules.
This is not a troll. It's a tongue in cheek joke...if you read this and think it's serious..yikes!!! The problem is with you.

True. But it's still garbage. O'keefe, congrats on still being horrible. Can't wait to see what more vomit u have to contribute tomorrow.
If only they ranked the 68 coaches in terms of nicknames. White Magic would own Alford and Hoiberg.

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