Everybody's talking about Bills' fans so, OK, here's a story......
A friend of mine from work was originally from Pittsburgh and was such a die hard NFL fan that he had season tickets to both the Steelers and Cardnals. He's a yeller, one of those guys that yelling at the other team the whole game, real loud and you hate sitting around him, you know the type.
He comes to work one Monday morning and he's got two black eyes and a swollen face. The Cards had played the Bills the day before and the Cards had upset the Bills pretty handily in this particular game. It's just about the end of the game, stands are emptying, and my friend's row in the upper deck is almost empty. Two Bills' fans, husband and wife wearing their Bills' jackets, are coming down the steps, get to the row where my friend is yelling and the wife, yes the wife, takes off running down the aisle and just tackles my friend. The husband joins in and they are punching the guy. The police come and arrest both the husband and wife and take them away! This tells me Bills fans are passionate. My friend? He had bragging rights at work for a couple of weeks......