Ag school rankings


Active Member
Going off of yesterday's discussion on ISU joining the big ten to bolster the Big Ten's "weak" ag programs:(

1. Illinois
2. Iowa State
4. Purdue
8. Ohio State
10. Penn State
11. Nebraska
12.t Michigan State
12.t Wisconsin

I really respect the ag/vet school in Ames, but to not acknowledge our conference as an ag leader is just misinformed.
Anyone who attempts to play the Ag school card should be shunned by decent society. That is the weakest of weak sauce.
Anyone who attempts to play the Ag school card should be shunned by decent society. That is the weakest of weak sauce.

This IS Iowa. We are an ag state and will be an ag state for the foreseeable future. Plus, as the OP mentioned, the Big 10 has a very strong group of ag-related schools among its members, so you can't just toss that argument aside completely Ghost.

Is the strength of ISU's ag school a positive for them when considering a potential move to the Big 10? Absolutely. Will it put them over the top? Not even close. The lack of additional TV sets and their below-average athletic performance will more than offset the strength of their ag and engineering schools.

ISU has no shot to join the Big 10, but the ag card is one that they absolutely must play.
Make fun of it all you want, but ag is the largest industry in the US and there is a lot of research $$$ and high tech applications going on and in development.

I agree in that the ISU ag school is Big Ten caliber, but the rest of Clown Community College can rot in the MAC.

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