Ads with Sound

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I have instructed my tech guy to remove the 300x250 ad slots...those are the ones where the sounds come from. Those also happen to be the highest revenue generating ads on the site.

I am not saying those slots are gone forever, but I am not going to bring them back until I can get my arms around how to eliminate the rich media (sound generating) campaigns.

I may be bringing back an additional 728x90 and/or 160x600 to help offset the loss of revenue opportunity from this move.

As I have said over and over, I hate the ads with sounds too..but its not as easy and flipping a switch just yet...

That being said, I have found another ad provider relationship through the work I don with my internet publishing consulting business, one that will allow me, at the click of my mouse, to basically end certain campaigns from running on the site...I should have that system in place late this week or early next, and I will reinstate the 300x250's...and then, if I spot an ad that plays audio, I can click on it, and say 'no more from this campaign' and they stop..that still may mean a few slip past the goalie for a short time, but it allows me much more flexibility and speed to take care of the problem and not have to guess which company is serving the ad

I appreciate your patience and understanding as I continue to dial in the proper balance.
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