Ads on this site are...

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Well-Known Member
- Distracting
- Turning a once attractive site into a disorganized comic page
- Blocking content
- Slowing access to pages.

-Necessary for JD to continue offering this service in its current form.

In 5 years, the whole web will look like this and market researchers will conclude that JD is a hero, the 7 second lag between the ads getting put down and the content loading is going to become standard on all free sites. Kudos to JD for setting the trend here.
Agreed. I like this website and I'm all for Jon making some money but its getting to the point that its just too distracting and messy to really enjoy it.
i was ok with most of them up until recently when some of them played very loud audio without being prompted.

The other bad ones are the ones that pop up and take over your screen and they make the "x" to close very hard to find.

As i was typing this the line on the bottom coverered up what i was typing so i had to scroll up.

Little changes would help
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