Adam Robinson update - Bad news if true


Well-Known Member
According to a d2 message board Adam Robinson recently tore his achilles tendon in practice and is done for the year.

That type of injury can be a career ender too. I guess Iowa RB injuries follow you no matter where you transfer to! :-( I feel bad for him.

UMD Running Back Transfer - Page 3
Jeff Brinson also had a career ending acl injury this summer. Really sucks for both of them and hope they get better.
Its too bad. AR was one of my favorite all time players who just came out of nowhere 2 years ago. The guy had extremely limited skills for a D1 RB, but he just played hard and never stopped moving forward. Some of his runs are mind boggling. I hope he gets back on the field, gets his degree and has a good life.
Just a hunch, but I thought the achilles tear was the reason they were speculating that he was sitting this year. Atleast that is what I gathered from the other thread.

no, the reason he was sitting was academics. he tore his achilles after that was released as the reason he was not playing.

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