About to wed ?


Please , dear god ohhh please don't have a wedding during college football season!

I had to goto a wedding that started at 500 pm on Saturday. I tried the "babe I don't feel so good" to the Kids will be bored i'll stay home with them tatics.

It was like being sentenced for a crime that I did'nt commit yet had to go through the sentencing. I tried to be slick and take a small transitor radio with me with the small ear piece headphones and as a back up my cell phone to check in on the score.

As each minute ticketed I was woundering how the game was going instead of living in the moment ... the weding was over at 540 pm ... I'm thinking ok get to the reception eat like kid in the candy store and get home atleast to watch the 2 half .... tick tock tick tock ... slow death please shoot me , the wife took the cell phone, found my stashed radio, and forbid me of trying to track down a TV at the hotel we were at for the reception .....

The DJ said per the request of the brides mom to announce the score at the end of the 3 qaurter .... twist the knife a little more ... so after the flowers were tossed , garter tossed , and cake was eaten I couldn't stand it any longer and put down my foot !!!!! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THATS GOOD honey can we go home and watch the final ?

It took me all of 10 mins to get from the west side of desmoines to the east side and got in through the door intime to watch the feild goal as Iowa went ahead 9-6 ... ahhhhhhhh atleast I got to watch the best part of the game the final 3 min's

To those of you that are looking to wed in the late fall .... JUNE weddings are the best ... don't put your guests through the pain of sitting there wondering about whats going on during football season ... by the way the comment of saying but babe she may(being the bride whom we were going to see for her respect) get divorced and the hawks going 8-0 is a once in a lifetime moment earned me the doghouse for a 2 weeks im guessing , but it's the truth when will we see another moment like this ? and I'm not taling about the bride getting married!
My wife is a classical musician, and had an orchestra performance at 7:30 Saturday.

I had two people texting me updates (luckily, nothing interesting was happening most of the second half), and we were able to make it home in time for most of the 4th. Honestly, I was such a nervous wreck the whole time. Beethoven's 1st did a good job of calming me down, but I still kept checking my phone roughly every 3 seconds.
Both of these stories sound like my own personal hell - better you than me

Saturday weddings during football season need to be coordinated around the Hawks even if the people getting married arent fans. I really think this should be a law
I was married on October 10th 1987 in St. Mary's across from Van Allen. Hawks were playing at Wisconsin that day and as I walked down the aisle I remember hearding a faint echo fr all the ear peices that were in the church.

Guess I invited all the right people!!!
I got married during the Penn St. game last year (08) - best day ever. Married the women I love and listened to the end of the game in the kitchen at the reception with all of my best friends in the world - we screamed like childern. It was the icing on the cake.
I'm getting married on January 2. We scheduled our rehearsal dinner on the 1st at the same time as the Rose Bowl and reserved a party room at Felix and Oscar's in Des Moines in which to watch it. I would love to watch the Hawkeyes win the Rose Bowl the night before my wedding (though, I would rather watch them in the NCG while I'm on my honeymoon. . .talk about the best week ever).
Funny thread. i was married on an Oct Sat as well... but we were not having a great season, so I let it go on since was a night wedding and day game scheduled. Here's the funny part, I always gave all my fellow Hawk friends S#&t for scheduling their weddings on a Hawkeye Saturday, and then I go and do it as well. For about 5 years and 6 or 7 weddings on Hawk Saturdays over the years and no one learned the lesson. BUT, of all the divorce rates and broken marriages of friends - every one of us are still married 15-20 years later. So I think the guilt on the spouses part has carried on for many more years than to give up just that one Sat in the Fall. (although, it does suck on the year that your anniversary falls on that beloved Sat.)!
My sister is flying in for my dad's birthday on Nov. 14th at 1:30. I figure, no big deal, I'm sure Iowa v. Ohio St. will be a night game. I should be able to get from Des Moines to Omaha to pick her up and then to Sioux City to see my parents before kickoff. Then I hear all of the stories last week that the Big Ten doesn't have night games in November. What's a guy to do? Maybe I can figure out a way to get my mom to pick her up. Suggestions?
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Please , dear god ohhh please don't have a wedding during college football season!

I had to goto a wedding that started at 500 pm on Saturday. I tried the "babe I don't feel so good" to the Kids will be bored i'll stay home with them tatics.

It was like being sentenced for a crime that I did'nt commit yet had to go through the sentencing. I tried to be slick and take a small transitor radio with me with the small ear piece headphones and as a back up my cell phone to check in on the score.

As each minute ticketed I was woundering how the game was going instead of living in the moment ... the weding was over at 540 pm ... I'm thinking ok get to the reception eat like kid in the candy store and get home atleast to watch the 2 half .... tick tock tick tock ... slow death please shoot me , the wife took the cell phone, found my stashed radio, and forbid me of trying to track down a TV at the hotel we were at for the reception .....

The DJ said per the request of the brides mom to announce the score at the end of the 3 qaurter .... twist the knife a little more ... so after the flowers were tossed , garter tossed , and cake was eaten I couldn't stand it any longer and put down my foot !!!!! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THATS GOOD honey can we go home and watch the final ?

It took me all of 10 mins to get from the west side of desmoines to the east side and got in through the door intime to watch the feild goal as Iowa went ahead 9-6 ... ahhhhhhhh atleast I got to watch the best part of the game the final 3 min's

To those of you that are looking to wed in the late fall .... JUNE weddings are the best ... don't put your guests through the pain of sitting there wondering about whats going on during football season ... by the way the comment of saying but babe she may(being the bride whom we were going to see for her respect) get divorced and the hawks going 8-0 is a once in a lifetime moment earned me the doghouse for a 2 weeks im guessing , but it's the truth when will we see another moment like this ? and I'm not taling about the bride getting married!

Wait ......you live on the east-side of DSM!!??

You were already livin in the doghouse!!! :)
My sister is flying in for my dad's birthday on Nov. 14th at 1:30. I figure, no big deal, I'm sure Iowa v. Ohio St. will be a night game. I should be able to get from Des Moines to Omaha to pick her up and then to Sioux City to see my parents before kickoff. Then I hear all of the stories last week that the Big Ten doesn't have night games in November. What's a guy to do? Maybe I can figure out a way to get my mom to pick her up. Suggestions?

I'd suggest getting somebody else to pick her up. She'll understand. :)
my wife was in a community theatre play and sat. nite was the only nite i could go. it was killing me. had the shakes so bad the people next to me were wondering if i was a methhead! got to the bar just in time to watch iowa's winning drive. I think it was a blessing that i missed all but the final 2 minutes because i probably would have had a coronary during that game. got a nice reward when we got home, too!!! lol
This is girl talk, if my gf tried to make me go to a wedding that I didn't feel like going to I just send her this link in a text,
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Summer Weddings > Fall Weddings.

I was watching the game in the safety of my own home. Worst thing was I had woke up my 2 month old who is sick. It took me about an hour and a half to get her back to sleep. But it was well worth it!

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