A Year ago today


Well-Known Member
hard to believe, time really does fly by. I watched the game at home and was in total shock, especially when Stanford scored their 2nd td and the game had literally just started. I had such bad flash backs to the 91 Rose Bowl when Washington did the same thing to us. I forced myself to watch the entire game thinking it might be another 25 years before Iowa returns to Pasadena. I remember all the pissed off friends of mine and their Face Book posts. Didn't learn of the Stanford band half time insult until after the game had ended. Where were you at this time last year during the game?

hard to believe, time really does fly by. I watched the game at home and was in total shock, especially when Stanford scored their 2nd td and the game had literally just started. I had such bad flash backs to the 91 Rose Bowl when Washington did the same thing to us. I forced myself to watch the entire game thinking it might be another 25 years before Iowa returns to Pasadena. I remember all the pissed off friends of mine and their Face Book posts. Didn't learn of the Stanford band half time insult until after the game had ended. Where were you at this time last year during the game?

Train, walk, partying with thousands of Hawk fans in shadow of the San Gabriel mts, 45 td line-20 some rows up w/2 daughters and wife. Glorious day. Unfortunately banged up D and oline not match on the field.
I had a feeling the morning of the game, that this would not go well for Iowa. So when it happened I wasn't shocked.
I was in my recliner thinking, "I've been waiting 25 years for this. I always said that, if/when Iowa gets back to the Rose Bowl, I'm there. Why am I not there?" Glad I saved the money.
I was in my recliner thinking, "I've been waiting 25 years for this. I always said that, if/when Iowa gets back to the Rose Bowl, I'm there. Why am I not there?" Glad I saved the money.
Yeah, I had a free place to stay in Pasadena, what kept me from going were the super high priced airline tickets. So glad I didn't go.