A USC Homer Breaks Down the BCS

Where do you find the time?

You sir, are quickly become one of my favorite bloggers.

Honestly, I have bits and pieces of time during the day. I usually come up with the ideas ahead of time, and then work them out in my head. I thought this up on my way to work this morning, and wrote it, stream of consiousness style, in about 20 minutes.
Very good young man, I love all the incorrect or totally bunk references, makes me giggle in my shorts a little.
"U-Dub sucks dude. Hard Core!"

That was epic. Well played sir. How did you find your way to the Iowa message boards?
"That is like trying to land on the moon without Louis Armstrong."
-still laughing at that quote

"Our band is almost as awesome as Tesla."
-Tesla is in concert tonight at the Val Air in West Des Moines. Epic!
"U-Dub sucks dude. Hard Core!"

That was epic. Well played sir. How did you find your way to the Iowa message boards?

How did I find my way here? Dude, I am an HN legend. Ask anyone.

Ok, not anyone, but ask the people who remember me.

Acctually, don't ask them either.

But trust me, I have been around for a while, and look at the way I am exhibiting good behavior, and being a model contributor.

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