A special treat for Ghosto, Thunderp, and bcl20

Read it and know that every word is true, Bandwagon Boyz.

The Hater's Guide To Notre Dame


12000th poast LOL! :p
I'm a Tavern wrestling Hokk. I figured I was outed as an ND fan a long time ago. I hope Iowa football does good, but I really don't care. Basketball? You guys are delusional.
Skorp, you know damn well I have been an Irish apologist for years. I took the heat, now I get to enjoy the butthurt.
Skorp, you know damn well I have been an Irish apologist for years. I took the heat, now I get to enjoy the butthurt.

Yeah, but still...there is very little in that article that isn't troof. You know it, I know it, and the broccoli quiche knows it.
Holtz, Lou: It says a lot about your program when Lou Holtz—a man who can barely speak English and looks like a small-town pharmacist—is one of the greatest coaches in your history. I can't even imagine the amount of dark money boosters needed to raise under the table in order to prop up Lou Holtz. Lou Holtz makes Barry Switzer look like Dwight Eisenhower. I will never forgive ESPN for the Dr. Lou segments. "Remember, the good Lord put eyes in the front of your head and not in the back, so that you can see where you're going instead of where you've been." Oh thanks, Dr. Lou! What other wisdom have you gained from reading slogans off of coffee mugs?

I enjoyed this part the most. I hate Notre Dame football.
I hate Notre Dame for the exact same reasons I hate Tim Tebow. It's an underperforming football entity with an irritating tribal gloss of holiness, which gets far too much acclaim and adulation when it happens to succeed. The Fighting Irish belong with the Red Sox, the Yankees, Twilight, Taylor Swift, and any other property that is artificially relevant because the media wastes so much ******* time telling you how relevant they are.
Hahahaha yuuuuup..

I don't necessarily hate Notre Dame, and I definitely want them to beat the evil empire that is the Crimson Tide, but I hate the almost unbelievable number of fans making they're way out of the wood work claiming they've ALWAYS been fans. It just seems like way more than the usual to me.

Also, I didn't know anything about the girl committing suicide after being supposedly raped and told not to mess with Notre Dame football. That's messed up stuff.
I just started like Notre Dame this year and am reaping all the benefits. Suck it *******.

It was tough to over come that near lost to Purdue the second game of the season but after 10 minutes of frustration, it's nice to experience this.
My name in the thread title just catapulted this to best thread in internet history by the way.
Also, I need a nickname for my nickname. That and a solid ban for something and I really feel at the top of Hawkeyenation.
Holy crap was that full of win!!!!!! Screw noter dumb

Writer was trying too hard but definitely grunted out some winners:

Lou Holtz makes Barry Switzer look like Dwight Eisenhower.

Jimmy Clausen: "I look forward to meeting my future teammates this afternoon and work on doing everything I can to help us win National Championships. Thank you."

I will never get tired of Notre Dame recruiting ******* quarterbacks and then watching them fail miserably.

That was also probably the gheyest Clausen picture yet, which is saying something.

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