A-Rob Links

Seems like he has himself in line better. NOt sure if its too late but I hope the best for AROB. Maybe he can come back and be a good player or a student coach or something
I appreciate everything Robinson has done on the field for the Hawkeyes and he seems like a nice enough kid. I can understand the concussion symptoms affecting him to some extent but it doesn't sound like this was the first time he had smoked. Given the timing, the second chance already extended...I do not want to see KF reinstate him on the team.

I think this is where a player finally experiences "real world consequences" So often NCAA athletes or even pro athlete serve whatever sususpension they're dealt, hold a press conference and all is well, nothing is really lost for them.

I'm not saying there aren't second chances in the real world but is your employer going to watch your press conference and re-hire you just because you said you're sorry? You screw up (again) and that's the way it goes. You truly lose an opportunity.

Americans love a good redemption story but how often do people really change because the get a slap on the wrist and then it's basically forgotten? Remember a guy named Jason Berryman? How many chances did that guy get?

DJK will probably get signed eventually and make $ in the NFL, most football fans have forgotten Ray Lewis basically got away with murder and Donte Stallworth did! My point in regards to Robinson is that for once, out needs to mean out. Nothing against him personally but he clearly didn't think there would be consequences and when there are now, he wants everything just to be forgiven.

To be clear, I know his charges are not even close to the other players mentioned. It's just that he knew he broke the rules and he was already in the situation he was in.
I have to wonder if his concussion symptoms were that severe... should he be playing football at all anymore?

That said I don't have an issue if he earns his way back onto the team. I see it highly unlikely he cracks the starting line up again but I guess anythings possible.
His pining for reinstatement...

Seems like he has himself in line better. NOt sure if its too late but I hope the best for AROB. Maybe he can come back and be a good player or a student coach or something

would be much more believable six months from now if/when he has his grades in order and has stayed out of trouble for that period of time. At this point, saying you're sorry and are turning things around is fairly meaningless. They are nice words, but haven't been backed up by anything in terms of actions.

Hope he does get his grades and life in order, even if Iowa football isn't in his future.
Everyone deserves another chances. It's just not always on the terms we would like. He has 7mos to prove his actions align with his words. Even then it.might not be enough for.an Iowa FB return but it will b time well spent
so he's a victim now because the concussion was the root of all his problems? I hope I'm not the only one that thinks that is total BS.
so he's a victim now because the concussion was the root of all his problems? I hope I'm not the only one that thinks that is total BS.

You've been a lot less douchey since you got sent to timeout, but you're way off on this one. How exactly is he portraying himself as a victim?
I appreciate everything Robinson has done on the field for the Hawkeyes and he seems like a nice enough kid. I can understand the concussion symptoms affecting him to some extent but it doesn't sound like this was the first time he had smoked. Given the timing, the second chance already extended...I do not want to see KF reinstate him on the team.

I think this is where a player finally experiences "real world consequences" So often NCAA athletes or even pro athlete serve whatever sususpension they're dealt, hold a press conference and all is well, nothing is really lost for them.

I'm not saying there aren't second chances in the real world but is your employer going to watch your press conference and re-hire you just because you said you're sorry? You screw up (again) and that's the way it goes. You truly lose an opportunity.

Americans love a good redemption story but how often do people really change because the get a slap on the wrist and then it's basically forgotten? Remember a guy named Jason Berryman? How many chances did that guy get?

DJK will probably get signed eventually and make $ in the NFL, most football fans have forgotten Ray Lewis basically got away with murder and Donte Stallworth did! My point in regards to Robinson is that for once, out needs to mean out. Nothing against him personally but he clearly didn't think there would be consequences and when there are now, he wants everything just to be forgiven.

To be clear, I know his charges are not even close to the other players mentioned. It's just that he knew he broke the rules and he was already in the situation he was in.

I'm realize I'm nitpicking, but Ray Lewis didn't murder anybody he refused to "rat/snitch" on the person that did. We all have seen enough gangsta/mafia movies to know how that works. Not condoning what Ray Lewis did, but it is a big leap from murder.
Everyone deserves another chances. It's just not always on the terms we would like. He has 7mos to prove his actions align with his words. Even then it.might not be enough for.an Iowa FB return but it will b time well spent

I'm a big fan of the way ARob is handling this. He even said he doesn't want to plea his case to Ferentz until he's shown he's changed. I won't have a problem either way Kirk decides, but I think Adam is doing all the right things.
I have to wonder if his concussion symptoms were that severe... should he be playing football at all anymore?

That said I don't have an issue if he earns his way back onto the team. I see it highly unlikely he cracks the starting line up again but I guess anythings possible.

I think we have to be careful with tossing around concussion symptoms as reason for bad behavior.

This theory has been floated out there for some of Ben Roethlisberger boorish, bad off the field behavior. I guess I need more info before I completely buy into this.
I'm realize I'm nitpicking, but Ray Lewis didn't murder anybody he refused to "rat/snitch" on the person that did. We all have seen enough gangsta/mafia movies to know how that works. Not condoning what Ray Lewis did, but it is a big leap from murder.
Only Iowa fans can make a misdemeanor into major felony. It's amazining how many self-righteous fans are here. Oh by the way, what happened to the other 20 athletes that were going to be kicked off the team for drugs? Oh yeah, it was a cover-up by the coaching staff. Let all just kick him when he's down. Yeah thats right! That will make us all feel better about ourselves.
The most important thing for Robinson is to get his education. He's not going to the NFL so college football is just more for enjoyment. He needs to do what is best for his future. I wish him luck and success.
I think we have to be careful with tossing around concussion symptoms as reason for bad behavior.

This theory has been floated out there for some of Ben Roethlisberger boorish, bad off the field behavior. I guess I need more info before I completely buy into this.

I'm not tossing around anything as a reason for anything.
My bad............I've got the reading comprehension skills of a 10 year old sometimes.:D

No worries, if you haven't read the second article linked. ARobs mom says she thinks the concussions had a role.
I can see why ARob spoke to press, sort of a repairing of the image thing...but true atonement is done away from the spotlight. Just stay enrolled, go to class, do all of the right things, don't be a distraction or put KF in a box, and it might end better..or have a better chance

Then, once you have walked the walk, and can be of benefit to society through reformed actions and behavior, the story is worth telling, IMO
I don't think specifying KF's purposely vague comments is going to endear him to the coaching staff.

I also agree with what someone up thread said, if your concussion symptoms are causing you to miss things off the field, you probably don't need to risk being hit in the head again.
I'm not a fan of the situation, but you have to admit Arob is taking all of the right steps in redeeming himself. He is handling it like a man and I would like to see him play as a hawkeye again.

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