A positive look at the coming football season -- some possibilities


Well-Known Member
1. Iowa offense will be the most productive since 2002 featuring a balance between a strong run game and opportunistic passing to slot receivers and TE. At season-end Total O will be ranked in the top-50. (Basis: Powerful OL, stable of runners, good slot receivers, excellent TEs, QB who throws catchable ball.)

2. Iowa defense will throttle the run and force teams to beat them in the air. At season-end Total D will be ranked in top-50. (Basis: Larger, talented, deeper DL. 3 senior LBs.)

3. Iowa will deploy genuine weapons at Kick-off (Canzeri) and punt-return (Cotton) and it will pay dividends. (Basis: None but I can hope. If I see Martin manley back on kick-offs, I will be ticked off.)

4. Iowa will win at least 3 games by more than 3-TDs. (Basis: See 1, 2, 3.)

5. Northwestern will beat us. (Basis: They are clever and good. We are on occasion clever or good, usually neither, at least on that day.)

6. Iowa will stay in the running to play in the B1G championship until the very last week. (Basis: No dominant team with talent disparity in Legends. Iowa stacks up very well with no major holes that I see.)

While the above are not predictions per se, I see absolutely nothing right now that precludes them -- nothing except the sudden emergence of an anti-QB -- which from all accounts is not in the cards this time around.
We won 4 games last year, lost our best player on a mediocre defensive squad and we are not sure which QB stands out the most ( including last years backup to one of worst QB performances in D1 football). I drink the kool aid too but yours has something extra in it.
We won 4 games last year, lost our best player on a mediocre defensive squad and we are not sure which QB stands out the most ( including last years backup to one of worst QB performances in D1 football). I drink the kool aid too but yours has something extra in it.

So you are saying that the pain of losing a decent CB trumps the pleasure of losing the nearly worst QB in D1? :)
I am soo thankful we have an unknown at qb this year. It's much better then if we had one more year of our known one.
You deduced this from watching a three hour practice at Valley Stadium? If so you should be a coach somewhere.

your point is well takin but if the op feels postive why are they stupid after one practice but yet you are a genius after one practice? Im saying why can't we hawk fans just talk about the team and possibilities................**** it...... keep taking each other down I could care less now that I think about it
your point is well takin but if the op feels postive why are they stupid after one practice but yet you are a genius after one practice? Im saying why can't we hawk fans just talk about the team and possibilities................**** it...... keep taking each other down I could care less now that I think about it

If the team does not lead the Big Ten in dropped passes, I think that they have a chance to finish well.
I agree with most of the op with the exception of the Northwestern prediction. I have Iowa winning that by about 10 points.
Mmm...my kool aid don't look like his.
Here are the positives;
-Bigger O and D lines.
1. O line is experienced, larger and may be one of the best units in the B1G this year.
2. D line was less than stellar last year. They were a work in progress at the end of the season. They will be better, but probably not the disrupting force of Iowa's better crews.
-Bigger experienced linebackers
1. LB production was spotty at times last year and their production will depend (in part) on the D'lines production.
-One good TE.
-Running backs
1. This is a good a group as I have seen at Iowa in the past 12 years.
-No clutch receivers.
1. No speed
2. No deep threat
3. Dropped passes, dropped passes..... If these guys each caught a pass or two more a game maybe Iowa would have lost 8 games last year.
4. Sync with the QB. Didn't have it a lot of the time last year. And they are going to get it with a new QB?
-New QB
-Speed on the defensive line.
1. Iowa showed some potential at the end of last year. But can they pick it back up.
-Unproven offensive philosophy at Iowa. For all those who whined about KoK, you think GD is a step up? Iowa had the worst offense in the country last year! Ok they weren't the worst, but they could see the caboose
No need to poo poo on this guy's optimism. It's actually refreshing. Most of us are already coming to terms with another losing season. Perhaps we will all be wrong. I was extremely wrong in 2004.
I like the fact that while most have ragged on the D, they forget that for being so young, they did very well. In fact just barely under OSU. I like the fact we do have more experience. I like the fact it sounds like people are stepping up and the team is starting to jel. I like the fact the kids were upset with last season and took it out with Chris. Seems they understand their effort level was all that was going to help. I like the fact that we tend to end up in close games (including last year) and with any pulse on special teams, we maybe could have turned ended up on the right side of those toss up games.
No need to poo poo on this guy's optimism. It's actually refreshing. Most of us are already coming to terms with another losing season. Perhaps we will all be wrong. I was extremely wrong in 2004.

Agreed with this. I'm optimistic too (not as the OP, but close). I think a lot of the posters here don't believe the team has the ability to get any better or grow.
Some believe the same thing that happened last year will happen again this year.

I. Do. Not.
Agreed with this. I'm optimistic too (not as the OP, but close). I think a lot of the posters here don't believe the team has the ability to get any better or grow.
Some believe the same thing that happened last year will happen again this year.

I. Do. Not.
Hi, I'm some. Nice to meet you.
Love the optimism, but... You may be crazy. I am hopeful but not quite this hopeful. What are your meds?

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