a little(big) something I came up with to stem oversigning


Well-Known Member
1. Increase the # of Scholarships to 95.

2. Scholarships are given out for the max number of years they have available.
-Example; 5 years to play 4 (5 year ride), 4 years to play 3 (4 year ride) ext.

3. If a Player is granted a Medical red shirt they get an additional year added to their ride
-Example; Student Athlete red shirts 1st year on campus then is injured constantly throughout the next 4 year they are allowed to have the additional year. Still counts toward 95 limit.

4. School is not allowed to sign more players then scholarships are available. If a school signs more players then scholarships available they lose 1 (5 year) scholarship per over signed player the following signing class.

5. Each Scholarship is tied to the player. If the player drops out you don't get that ride back until their eligibility runs out.
-Exceptions; Player receives another full ride at another school after transferring, player receives jail time greater then 1 year.

6. Any player who is said to have a career ending injury will be verified with an NCAA appointed 3rd Party Doctor with no ties to said school or conference.

-If 3rd party doctor agrees with assessment S.A. shall have a medical hardship scholarship immediately and shall not count towards 95 limit.

-If 3rd party doctor disagrees school doctor must provide evidence on why S.A. injury is career ending. --If 3rd party doctor agrees there is a case despite disagreeing, player will remain on the 95 scholarship limit for 1 year, at which time will be moved to medical hardship scholarship.
--If 3rd party doctor disagrees Player will remain on the 95 scholarship limit plus team will lose 1 (5 year) scholarship from the 1st signing class after the decision.

Grey shirt and Walk-on
1. Grey shirts and Walk-ons are allowed, but are given a different LOI then scholarship players. Grey and Walk-on LOI's not binding until 3rd Friday in July or the student athlete steps on campus to participate with team activities (includes; practice, film, weight training. excludes team dinner/grill out social events), which ever happens first.

2. Another school can contact GS/WO only if they are offering a scholarship to said player.

3. Student Athlete having GS/WO status will be treated as JUCO/Transfer regarding scholarship availability.

Receiving Scholarships back early
1. Should Student Athlete graduate early and with a GPA over ___ Student Athlete may be put on a Academic scholarship and not count towards the 95 Scholarship limit. Athletic Scholarship is available immediately upon Graduation and confirmation of ___ GPA to the NCAA.
I don't plagiarize things. Things just snowballed into my mind and wanted to get it written down. So far today, I haven't been able to focus on what I should be doing... which really sucks.

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