A Great Bash Read on Ohio State and Tressel, ESPN

I watched the whole presser earlier, and the ESPN writer is correct: Tressel never once apologized. Closest he came was saying "I'm sincerely disappointed" that his actions were perhaps not what they should have been.

Overall, his manner was contrite but the content was defensive. He "now knows" that what he did was wrong. B******t.
I saw the same arrogance Billso...stunning. Almost Kiffin-like.

On a side note, a visit to the OSU website reveals that plenty of Buckeye fans want Terrel Pryor to go away...sooner rather than later. He's taking as much heat throughout this ordeal as Tressel. Apparently he's been "nothing but trouble"...to quote several posters...since he arrived on campus.
How about the giggling girly boy president, E. Gordon Gee, when he said he just hopes the coach doesn't fire him?

That was unbelievable.
Yes, OSU is going too take a beating on this for sure. Hopefully the NCAA will do something but who knows.
All (3) Smith, Gee, and Tressel should be fired, all were complicit. No ethics. Sad.

NCAA needs to grow some stones and come down hard on them ala USC and SMU.

As for the players, none of them should ever been allowed to play in that bowl game.

Their whole season, and the reputation of their institution has been forever tarnished.

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