A college draft type system idea


The ncaa generally wants some balance. However the athletes are students so a true draft won't work. A way to help that falls short of a true draft is still needed. They have limited total scholarships but if one team gets 7 5 star and another 15 4 star athletes per class and goes against teams with no players above 3 star that is not very balanced. My idea would be to standardize the ranking system so there is 119 players that get 5 stars and 476 that get 4 stars. Each team would then be limited to one 5* and four 4* per class. Since there is 119 teams then each team would have the same number of 4* and 5* athletes. This would make games a lot more interesting to watch.
It could never happen. Although it seems foreign to us there are some college athletes that are going to school to also get an education. I wouldn't be too happy if I wanted to get into med school only to get drafted by Iowa State for example.
Why would college football want balance? Watching two 9-4 teams play in a bowl doesn't bring in the money, watching USC-Texas or OSU-Miami with rosters that look like NFL teams, is what brings in the real money.
This idea is more of a scholarship limit than a draft. So no one would be able to do what you mentioned. A team such as Alabama would simply not be able to offer scholarships to players once they exceed there * limit so smaller colleges would get to fill their * slots.
I for one could care less to see teams such as Miami with all their nfl type players that cheat their way to the top with constant recruitng violations.
The more I think about this the more I think about this the more I think it is needed. I did not explain it well the first time.

It is more of a scholarship limit based on stars rather tham a draft.

It would only affect 595 athletes.

Players would never be forced to play at any school. If a team reaches it's cap of one 5* athlete or five 4* athletes that school just won't be able to get a scholarship there. At that point the player could choose another school that is not at cap. This would be the part that would improve balance. Or walk on the capped team.

1* 2* and 3* athletes would not be affected.

There would still be great teams like in the nfl who uses a draft and a salary cap. However they would not be able to gain such a big talent gap.
I think this would be a great way to run an online dynasty with your buddies on the xbox, but the practical hurdles of implementing this in real life would be staggering.
Maybe I will give this idea. One more recruiting scandal might be enough to get them to go for it. I would not think the limit itself would be all that hard to implement. Standardizing the star system might present a lot more challenges. It would probably be best to work the existing system into it. With final votes being a cross a wide range of media, coaches and fans.
I like the intent of the idea, the NCAA does need to find a way to make the competition more balanced. I for one am tired of seeing the SEC sign all the top talent and win the NC every year. Any type of draft that restricts where a kid can or cannot go would never fly, it would be unfair to force a kid to walk on at a school because he wanted to attend that school for education reason and that institution already used up their "cap".

But a couple of things that the NCAA can do to even out the playing field a little is by allowing the schools to pay their players, we already know the SEC gets away with this so let's allow this across the board. There is enough money floating around college football that giving some back to the players just makes sense. The other is make scholarships binding for 4 years, no more sign all the players and then take away scholarships from other players that do not make it. Even if a school cuts a player due to disciplinary reasons they can take away his scholarship but it still counts against their scholarship limit until after 4 years.
Ssc, by that standard you could also say that overall scholarship limits are unfair too. However the limit is there already and some people don't get scholarships because of it. This just adds brackets. This might just allow some local 2* and 3* players to get more chances to play at big schools that would otherwise have their spots taken by 4* and 5* guys that were poached from other states.
I agree that something has to be done about the sec and the oversigning. Any Midwest kid that gets himself mixed up with that is making a huge mistake. It needs to still count against their cap.