8 Team Playoff Will Happen


Well-Known Member
It really makes sense. 5 conference champions from big 5 conferences, plus 3 at-large teams. First round games are played in the home field of the higher seeded team.
They came from a system where they just picked 2 teams to play for the NC. Now they pick 4, which gives greater assurance that you'll get the best 2 team in the NC. I think that is where they'll stay.

Not so much about who gets to play "be in", more about just getting the best 2 into the final game. I think they've got that covered....still there may be a year here and there where something really odd happens, like this year with Michigan.
If an 8 team playoff happens MAYBE a bowl game closest to their home state for the top teams but they're not getting rid of bowl games and their sponsorship dollars, ever. I guess unless they finally have to pay the players
An 8 team playoff is going to happen, especially after the selection mess presented this year where the winner of the BIG is passed up for a team it beat a few weeks earlier. The P5 champs will get in automatically, with 3 at large bids. I would guess they will work the first round through the existing bowl structure in some manner to appease the bowl contingents, then have the remaining 4 teams playoff at neutral sites, possibly even in northern locations in domes, ala the NCAA BB tournament.

The FCS teams make it work now, so will the FBS teams. It is inevitable. And it's fairer than the current arrangement.

Some have mentioned a 16 team playoff. I don't think that won't happen as it is too many teams and too many extra games, dragging the season out too long. That would also present the possibility of eliminating a regular season game, which won't happen as it means too much money for the schools that don't make the playoffs.
They came from a system where they just picked 2 teams to play for the NC. Now they pick 4, which gives greater assurance that you'll get the best 2 team in the NC. I think that is where they'll stay.

Not so much about who gets to play "be in", more about just getting the best 2 into the final game. I think they've got that covered....still there may be a year here and there where something really odd happens, like this year with Michigan.

I dont think you can call Michigan this year a really odd situation because all they had to do was beat an avg Iowa team late in the year or beat Ohio State to get to the Big Champ Game and prove it against Wisky. Mich couldnt finish.

You shouldnt be selected if you lose 2 of your last 3 games. PSU has won a whole bunch of games in a row and beat OSU and Wisky late in the year, even though I still think PSU should be ineligible for bowls and titles.
An 8 team playoff is going to happen, especially after the selection mess presented this year where the winner of the BIG is passed up for a team it beat a few weeks earlier. The P5 champs will get in automatically, with 3 at large bids. I would guess they will work the first round through the existing bowl structure in some manner to appease the bowl contingents, then have the remaining 4 teams playoff at neutral sites, possibly even in northern locations in domes, ala the NCAA BB tournament.

The FCS teams make it work now, so will the FBS teams. It is inevitable. And it's fairer than the current arrangement.

Some have mentioned a 16 team playoff. I don't think that won't happen as it is too many teams and too many extra games, dragging the season out too long. That would also present the possibility of eliminating a regular season game, which won't happen as it means too much money for the schools that don't make the playoffs.

How long does it take to clean out the Rose, Orange, Cowboys stadium, and the the Lions stadium and turn it around between a first round playoff game around Dec. 24th or so and get them ready to host their normal Jan 1st Bowl game.

I see an 8 team playoff is inevitable because of the money mainly but to balance the variability of a bad loss in the regular season. And I can see the Rose Bowl and other big bowls just clamoring to host one of the first round round of four games to bring bunches of bucks to their cities.

Money and fan bases (see blue bloods) will drive this. Could Mich win the Natty Champ in a 4 or 8 team playoff, sure they could because they have the defense, and if Speight is hot throwing the ball they have an offense.
8 teams means 3 rounds. It gets real hard to pretend the players aren't just semi-pro at that point.
8 teams means 3 rounds. It gets real hard to pretend the players aren't just semi-pro at that point.
What about the FCS playoffs then? They have 24 teams; are they semi pro?

And look at the College World Series, that's 64 games with a bunch of qualifying just to get in. NCAA baseball players spend way more time on the road than football players. I understand it's not as physical as football, but do we use physicality of a sport to decide if it's merging into "semi-pro" territory?
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If an 8 team playoff happens MAYBE a bowl game closest to their home state for the top teams but they're not getting rid of bowl games and their sponsorship dollars, ever. I guess unless they finally have to pay the players
You wouldn't have to get rid of bowl games. You'd do the same thing they do now with the round of 4, use the bowl games for those.
8 teams means 3 rounds. It gets real hard to pretend the players aren't just semi-pro at that point.

Other divisions do it. I would cut out one non conference game if need be. The other option is just rotate some of the upper echelon bowls into hosting playoff games that way you still keep the bowls and extend the playoffs. It wouldn't be hard to do you would just have to shuffle the bowl automatic bids or have some of these stadiums host multiple post season games.
Other divisions do it. I would cut out one non conference game if need be. The other option is just rotate some of the upper echelon bowls into hosting playoff games that way you still keep the bowls and extend the playoffs. It wouldn't be hard to do you would just have to shuffle the bowl automatic bids or have some of these stadiums host multiple post season games.

The only thing not feasible about what you said is eliminating the non conference games. These are (should be, anyway) easy wins and home games that make universities tons of money. In my opinion they'd have to tack an extra week onto the season.
8 teams means 3 rounds. It gets real hard to pretend the players aren't just semi-pro at that point.

You know all the ADs and NCAA and admin people will point to the fact that by Dec 18th or so the players have finished finals and there will not be any messing with their academics.

I myself say pay them a nice stipend maybe based on time on athletics and revenue generation. I have been for giving the athletes some more stipend money for a long time. Although handling more money like stipends will need to be very transparent because of all the crooks and greed.
B!tch!ng about the current system gives them exactly what the puppet masters want...your undivided attention.
It always needed to be the 5 conference champs + At large teams. If you want a playoffs, that is a playoffs. Right now we just got an extended BCS championship of selected teams.

The issue is always what is the "best team". Is it the team with the best on field results? Is it the team with the most talent? Right now it is neither, it is just an excuse to get the teams in they want.

If you like tradition, and want that, them make it #1 vs #2 again. If you want a playoff, then make it a real playoff where there are 16 teams in it. I don't get why people get all bent out of shape and say, well the #16 seed can't win it.....So what, the #60 seed in the NCAA can't win that tournament either, does it make the NCAA's not fun?

Call it 8 teams if 16 offends your sensibilities, but just realize that is in essence a 13 team playoff anyway (10 teams playing for 5 automatic conference bids) + 3 at large teams. That is 13 teams in.

I think it is complete BS that Clemson, and Washington had to play a 13th game, knowing that if they lost they were out, while OSU sits at home and is already in, not risking anything. That is BS, they should have had to play into the playoffs as well, just like the other 3 did. That is why I would be more for a 16 team playoff than 8.
What about the FCS playoffs then? They have 24 teams; are they semi pro?

And look at the College World Series, that's 64 games with a bunch of qualifying just to get in. NCAA baseball players spend way more time on the road than football players. I understand it's not as physical as football, but do we use physicality of a sport to decide if it's merging into "semi-pro" territory?

It is semi pro, the schools just pretend it isn't and keep the money.
The best way to accommodate an 8 team playoff and not ruin the bowl system is to have the first round be played the week following the conference title games at the lower seed's stadium. The losers of those games would still be eligible for bowl games.

Once you go to a 8 team tournament it won't be long until people start barking for a 16 team tournament.
The best way to accommodate an 8 team playoff and not ruin the bowl system is to have the first round be played the week following the conference title games at the lower seed's stadium. The losers of those games would still be eligible for bowl games.

Once you go to a 8 team tournament it won't be long until people start barking for a 16 team tournament.

That's because any 8 team playoff that has auto bids for conference winners is already a 13 team playoff anyway, but byes are given to 3 at large teams who don't even their division.
That's because any 8 team playoff that has auto bids for conference winners is already a 13 team playoff anyway, but byes are given to 3 at large teams who don't even their division.
True, but the conference championships would still happen even if there was no playoff...

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