4th surge


Well-Known Member
The first surge of negativity started at halftime of the UNI game. The fans saw a team in mid-summer form. This surge continued

The second surge of negativity followed the ISU loss at home.

The third surge of negativity followed the loss to Maryland

The fourth surge of negativity is upon us in the wake of the Twin City Beat Down. TCBN.

I suspect we have not seen the end of it. And GB will be hard pressed to justify status quo if things get worse. I think they will get worse, a lot worse before Christmas.



And now, time to take my head out of the oven and take my medication.
The weird part is the surge seemed worse after the close loss to MD on the road than the complete blowout loss to Minn.

The negativity after ISU and Minnesota i get. I never really understood the complete meltdown after MD. It seemed out of proportion.
You must have been on vacation for the Ball State surge.

you're right.

Make that 5 surges or 5 waves so far........... with 3 games to go.

It might end in 5 waves, with the fifth being a tidal wave or tsunami of discontent.
So you are saying that Barta will have to fire KF if he only goes 2-1 the rest of the regular season to finish at 8-4?

I do not agree. The key will be beating the Illini and one of the other two. I think we wlll do it.
The weird part is the surge seemed worse after the close loss to MD on the road than the complete blowout loss to Minn.

The negativity after ISU and Minnesota i get. I never really understood the complete meltdown after MD. It seemed out of proportion.

Agreed about Maryland, particularly since so many predicted we'd lose that game. I think the anger was that people thought coaching was to blame, rather than just being beat.

I think there is no way that GD returns next year. I guess we'll see.
The weird part is the surge seemed worse after the close loss to MD on the road than the complete blowout loss to Minn.

The negativity after ISU and Minnesota i get. I never really understood the complete meltdown after MD. It seemed out of proportion.

We threw the ball 36 straight times! THIRTY-SIX! The following week Bucky ran for 311 yards vs the Terps. That is on the coaches.
The Coca-Cola Corporation reintroduced Surge soft drink to the American public on September 15, 2014. That was the next business day after Iowa lost to Iowa State this year.

Coincidence? I think not!

It is currently available from Amazon.com
The Coca-Cola Corporation reintroduced Surge soft drink to the American public on September 15, 2014. That was the next business day after Iowa lost to Iowa State this year.

Coincidence? I think not!

It is currently available from Amazon.com

Little known fact: The sweetener in Surge was made at Grain Processing Corporation in Muscatine.
For me this "surge" has passed and left the ravaged landscape of apathy. I will still root for Iowa, I will go to the games and have fun but win/lose means nothing to me now.
My surge after the MD game >>>>> surge after the Minnesota game.

Minnesota I truly write off as having a bad day. Like Northwestern did in Kinnick. I've been involved in a few of those as a player, on both sides of the ball. Can't explain it but the score is a worse reflection than the actual event.

The MD game we got out hit, our hustled and we played soft, losing to a team IMO far inferior to us. No excuses for that. Akin to the 2010 team losing @ Arizona. We had no business running the offense like we did, not tackling and losing to a team/program like that.
We threw the ball 36 straight times! THIRTY-SIX! The following week Bucky ran for 311 yards vs the Terps. That is on the coaches.
And also on talent....not enough of it. We almost got the guy that had a good portion of those 311 yards, but couldn't seal the deal. Frustrating.
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Maryland's backup quarterback came into the game with Maryland leading 17-14.
That backup quarterback barely took any first team snaps.
No excuse to lose in that situation, but, somehow, Greg Davis and Kurt lose that game.
Maryland's backup quarterback came into the game with Maryland leading 17-14.
That backup quarterback barely took any first team snaps.
No excuse to lose in that situation, but, somehow, Greg Davis and Kurt lose that game.

The defense is the problem too.. The issue in that game though, is ZERO throws passed 15 yards. Which is unacceptable, oh, and that Maryland team is one of the worst run defensive teams in the league. It's bad loss after bad loss with this team because of poor game day coaching. Are the players getting a bit out classed? Sure, but Iowa could of still won games if the team had the best players on the field. Kirk having something against CJB is probably my biggest gripe. We've seen him play, he probably lead the team to our best win of the season so far, and I can't for the life of me make any sense as to why you wouldn't play the QB with the best arm, and best credentials that this offense clearly needs. He gives big play potential for a team that desperately needs it to open up the run game. It's why I'm not going to be shocked if Iowa ends the year 1-2.

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