33 days....


Well-Known Member
What will 2010 bring?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ6rqtss8fQ&feature=related]YouTube - Welcome to Kinnick Stadium - Iowa Hawkeyes Football[/ame]
I predict we will see the following threads on HN.com during the 2010 season:
- Pam Ward is horrible!
- Dr. Loo/lou holtz is a moron who spits and favors notre dame, why is he even on TV?
- Hey, did you see GameDay - Herbie gave us some love!
- I miss Trev Alberts
- Bob Griese is a senile tool
- I'm sick of Mushberger saying "Hockeyes"; why doesn't he retire already
- Argh, Pam Ward is the worst!
- Charissa Thompson is/is not hotter than Erin Andrews
- Sick of hearing about SEC speed!
- Pam Ward ought to be shipped to Afghanistan