2013 recruiting

Jok and Agau. Looks more and more like Fran is done for this year, imo, and there will be 2 scholly's available for 2013.
i like having two schollies. with only one, puts a lot of pressure on you to hit a homerun. with two, you can still shoot for the moon but also go get a role player or solid contributor.
can anyone on here give me a quick rundown on Jok and Agau? i've seen their names quite a bit, but don't really follow b-ball recruiting all that much. do we have a good shot at them? are they in-state kids? that's what i was assuming.
can anyone on here give me a quick rundown on Jok and Agau? i've seen their names quite a bit, but don't really follow b-ball recruiting all that much. do we have a good shot at them? are they in-state kids? that's what i was assuming.

Both are native Africans, Jok lives in Iowa, and Agau lives in Omaha.
Jok is like a 6'5'' or 6'6'' athletic wing guard who handles and shoots it very well.
Agau is about a 6'7 or 6'8'' power forward type,not unlike Melsahn Basabe,from what I have seen. Elevates very well, good frame, but athletic.

I would take both and be very happy.
forget about jok. he is not going to be a hawk. no way

There's absolutely nothing saying Pete will be a Hawk either, but based on very good info I can tell you that saying "no way" you're 110% wrong. Iowa has a legitimate shot, and that's all you can ask for at this point.
Agau is listed at 6'9, Jok's Guardian's are big Hawk fans, his HS coach is Jeff Horner and to date Iowa has been the only one to offer, so yeah Iowa's chance are very good, with Fran's penchant for pursueing a kid i like our chances, he is listed as a 6'5 guard
Are Jok's knee problems behind him?

From what I'm told yes. It seems folks think he has had recurring knee issues when really it was just a knee problem (not plural) that he got taken care of earlier this summer. Should be ready to go around the beginning of ball season this year. He did miss time his Freshman year as well but it was due to a broken wrist, nothing related to his knees.
word is he will be ready to go at full strength, and could be the next great Iowan, maybe better than Barnes according to pundits on ESPN, his knee problem has set him back, people will get a chance to see how he has recovered this winter
Jok has to the top priority. After him you go very hard after the top talent you can find, reaching for the stars. That doesn't necessarily mean ranking stars either. If you identify an under rated kid that you think can come in and play at a high level early, he's a star.

Jok #1
Any high level talent #2 -

Upgrade anywhere you can, going after positions of need first but not exclusively.