2011 Big Ten: Year of the Quarterback Part ii?


Norm Parker said 2010 was the year of the quarterback in the Big Ten.

Looking at 2011, a lot of teams return starters. Bold signifies Iowa opponents:


Michigan: Denard Robinson
Michigan State: Kirk Cousins
Northwestern: Dan Persa
Nebraska: Taylor Martinez


Ohio State: Tyrelle Pryor
Penn State: Either McGloin or Bolden
Purdue: Rob Henry

Illinois: Nathan Scheelhaase

That's as many returning starters than the Big Ten had this year, as Michigan, Illinois, Purdue and NW were breaking in first year starters.

Then take into account a guy like James Vandenberg who has some starting experience..Wisky, Indiana and Minnesota will be the only schools breaking in real 'green' starting quarterbacks.

Good point. I will believe that Persa will be his old self by next fall when I see it. Achilles tears are brutal enough but for a guy who relies on his mobility as Persa does I think it will be two years before he returns to form and even then I am not sure he will ever be 100% the runner he was before.


Norm Parker said 2010 was the year of the quarterback in the Big Ten.

Looking at 2011, a lot of teams return starters. Bold signifies Iowa opponents:


Michigan: Denard Robinson
Michigan State: Kirk Cousins
Northwestern: Dan Persa
Nebraska: Taylor Martinez


Ohio State: Tyrelle Pryor
Penn State: Either McGloin or Bolden
Purdue: Rob Henry

Illinois: Nathan Scheelhaase

That's as many returning starters than the Big Ten had this year, as Michigan, Illinois, Purdue and NW were breaking in first year starters.

Then take into account a guy like James Vandenberg who has some starting experience..Wisky, Indiana and Minnesota will be the only schools breaking in real 'green' starting quarterbacks.
I don't fear Persa's running ability. I fear his escapability, and I suspect he will still have it. You either have those instincts, or not. This might force him to become a better passer, too...and his game against Iowa illustrated how accurate he can be. His last play, the touch on that throw, unreal.
looking at next year should be another solid year of QB performance. I hope the JVB can hold tru to 1st year QB's at Iowa and have a solid year. with strong OL and Coker face should take some preasure off.
Pittsburgh will likely have an experienced QB as well ooc. The good thing is that so far only three or four have shown they can consistently attack the middle- Persa, Cousins, McGloin/ Bolden have the vision, timing and touch to attack deep middle. Henry was not a good passer and I don't anticipate a problem with Purdue's air attack.

Denard is dangerous in a different way but he would really have to improve his touch and timing to make me fear him as a passer, he also doesn't really throw well on the run, but his arm isn't what makes him dangerous. Most knebby fans don't think Martinez will be the Qb next year but he is very similar to Denard except even less dangerous as a passer.

Indiana's next QB is likely Kiel and he couldn't pass last season out of the wildcat. If they have someone else like Wright- Baker or a transfer/ freshman step up I wouldn't be surprised. I think Indiana will not be good next season.

No idea who is going to QB at Minnesota.
Add Iowa to the Green QB list. Vandenberg will not start, just a hunch from some guys who have witnessed the development of another QB on the squad.
That's a pretty bold statement. Derby going to rise up?

More of a bold guess.. Just going off what I've been told about Wienke. Guys basically said the Wienke still has quite a bit to learn but he is progressing fast. Upside is huge unless he hits a wall. He has spring ball, all summer, and fall practice to catch up to Vandenberg or surpass him.
I'll believe that when I see it.

People said the same thing about Christensen holding down his job ... and Christensen had a whole season of starts under his belt.

Iowa's QB job will be pretty wide open during the coming off-season. Should be interesting ....

Don't get me wrong, Vandenberg is an obvious front-runner ... however, giving how few reps our back-ups received this past year ... I'm viewing the job as being WIDE OPEN until some guy proves it otherwise.
Purdue also returns Marve. He didn't get through the whole season this year, but he also gained some experience at Miami.