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  1. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    That is your choice. I would go to every single one if they let me. What hasn't happened is the heat and sun are not making the virus go away. That was one of the things some believed, it would be like a seasonal thing, well turns out Mr Sun and humidity doesn't do enough to it. So going...
  2. W

    Nine More Positive COVID-19 Tests in Iowa Athletic Department

    And this does happen with regular flu also. Young healthy people sometimes die from it. Every season.
  3. W

    An Idea for the Board

    Its the way kids are today man. Everything is twitter ease. Schools don't even teach/emphasize spelling any more past lower grades. We had one school administrator tell us straight out they don't because everyone uses something with spell check now anyway.
  4. W

    An Idea for the Board

    And a NY Governor who sent COVID patients into nursing homes. Indisputable he did that. There will be a class action lawsuit, guaranteed.
  5. W


    I meant to take a photo of it, but I just saw a sign hanging in a medical facility that stated "Be a Kung flu fighter" with a person dressed in karate type wardrobe and was discussing precautions and the importance of hand washing. I am not kidding.
  6. W


    Right, how the hell did the Democrats nominate a 77 year old white male who has been nothing but a career politician and who has profited heavily from it. I just completely do not understand this.
  7. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    I'd have gone MSU also if Dantonio was still there. Won't be as fun beating them with him gone.
  8. W

    Ezra Miller in Transfer Portal

    Would have been great at UNI and still a shot at the NFL going that route.
  9. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    I don't know how it could possibly be able to be tracked and enforced, but obviously they would know when college teams are coming in. Just wonder if such a thing changes home or away, and then again what if a team goes to a high case state? Then they go back to their home state do they have...
  10. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    For all the people who say we should not be playing Iowa State, kind of surprised to see it as the second most popular game.
  11. W

    Ezra Miller in Transfer Portal

    My my my. Didn't see that coming.
  12. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    I heard at lunch on CNBC certain states are stating anyone coming from high case states need to quarantine for 14 days when they come into their state. Not sure how that would ever be enforced, but just shows what this could be up against as well.
  13. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    Just guessing if we get to a point where they know a number, assuming it is greater than 0 but less than total season tickets sold, they will send something out for persons to rank their preferences from 1 to 7 for the games and if rewarding longer term customers more then weight theirs by some...
  14. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    You would not want to just rush 4 and give Lawrence all day to throw
  15. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    In the case of Iowa's 3 non-cons those are all games where the teams could drive in that morning and head out after the game without staying a night. NIU would have to be a later game but doable drive to and from same day.
  16. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    Almost seems like seating would have to be 2 occupied seats and then roughly 4 empties on either side and skip every other row. Not sure what number that equates to for people inside, but probably something like that. And they should allow some type of noise makers in if attendance is capped...
  17. W

    Nine More Positive COVID-19 Tests in Iowa Athletic Department

    Thought the tab was getting picked up if proven COVID. Most people should have out of pocket maxes on their policies also, so if the bills total say $300k, their share should be capped on something a whole lot less if insurance or government not just covering the whole tab.
  18. W

    If attendance limited which 2 games would you most want to attend?

    If attendance is limited to say 5,000 per game or 10,000 per game and basically can only attend 2 games if a season ticket holder, which ones would you most want to attend? Limit of 2 picks. Maybe virus less pervasive early on.
  19. W

    Iowa Pausing Ticket Sales for 2020 Football Season

    I'd definitely go and if they only allow in say 17,000 I imagine they will easily get 17,000 to sign on to be there.
  20. W

    Nine More Positive COVID-19 Tests in Iowa Athletic Department

    I am sure there is also a gene factor and what exposures one has had in the past, etc. But those are much less common than having a preexisting condition. And this person has stated to you they have no other medical issues? Health is like a person's pay, both pretty much people don't want to...