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    Would you rather...

    Have made the tourney or miss out and not have one of these kicks in the stones happen again.
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    It's time for the Hy-vee Classic to end

    I agree with everything here. Time for this experiment to end.
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    This guy gets it, its time

    Glad to see so many people who agree with me and the writer.
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    This guy gets it, its time

    I am so tired of going 7-5. Is that all we can ever do. Read this. this guy gets it.
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    Iowa vs ISU sweet 16...

    it always has to come back to football
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    Where are the fans, camera shot showed tons of empty seats.

    Yeah man!! I mean Maryland had no fans, and they were ranked. Iowa fans don't need to show up for a game.
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    Luke Winn hates Woodbury this is the 2nd week in a row that they have talked about Woodbury's jump balls.. Dude must really hate Woodbury
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    this can't be good right :(
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    Niang the most hated oppenent since?

    I said I could be wrong, just seems like on twitter, he isnt well liked that is for sure
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    Niang the most hated oppenent since?

    well I think both Iowa and Iowa State fans hate Craft with a passion.
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    Niang the most hated oppenent since?

    So safe to assume Niang is the most hated Iowa opponent in a while. Im sorry if I am wrong? But who would you say was the last one before him Iowa fans didnt like.
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    isu player arrested

    Iowa has no excuse for losing tomorrow now
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    isu player arrested

    Ummm what?
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    Jon Miller's Instant Reaction of ISU

    I listened tonight's also. Felt bad. He needs a hug
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    Jon Miller's Instant Reaction of ISU

    the podcast where they discussed switching schedules and he predicted ISU winning two games with Iowa's Schedule yes I did
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    Jon Miller's Instant Reaction of ISU

    Ulm didn't he predict 11-1 or 10-2 and said Iowa could beat Oklahoma?
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    Jok will receive no game suspension

    suspended from what basketball activities during the summer? im sure he must have missed out on tons, what a joke
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    ISU football selling points

    why do Hawkeye fans care what the little brother does? thought Wisconsin and Minnesota were our main Rivals?
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    ISU football selling points

    like this answer
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    Ticket Sells

    do you believe in doppelgangers?