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    Ross P to Alabama - For Real

    Sad days we live in when a persons word isn't worth the breath it takes to speak it! I understand it's one of the best programs in the nation. But a commitment, verbal or otherwise, is still a commitment. Don't give it if your not 100% certain.
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    CyKo's brother...

    But saying that your going to take a "family vote", doesn't sound like a kid that is making a decision for himself (a lot of outside influence). But as usual, life goes one. Wish him the best.
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    CyKo's brother...

    Can't say that I am surprised. It's better than Auburn!!!! What I want to know is what happened to the "my brother has little influence on where I play" comment? Oh well, we will still have an outstanding line with zero 5 star recruits. I think Hendy would have a larger impact anyway, if he...
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    Cy Kouandjio - Iowa back on the radar

    Well I guess if thriving means getting coached by an NFL caliber coach and being drafted high in the first round, then I guess Iowa really isn't the place for you :rolleyes:.