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  1. L

    Thank you DJK!!

    Absolutely WONDERFUL a time when DJK is getting all kinds of bad comments, I appreciate someone realizing that he doesn't need to be kicked while he is down...although he made terrible choices and will undoubtedly be punished if this is all proven true, there is more to life than...
  2. L

    Thanks Seniors!!!

    Just wanted to say "thank you" to all the seniors. You guys not only played the game you love but did it with class. This week when you go out on the field, for the last home game of your Hawkeye career,go out with a bang and make those Buckeyes wonder why they even bothered coming to town...
  3. L

    Hawkeye Fans: Come Together

    EXCELLENT POST JON!!!!!!!Everyone needs to step back, remember these are just kids- they are trying to get an education and play the game they love....and they are somone's kid..think about it ...would you want your kid under that kind of pressure???all the time....I LOVE these guys and they...
  4. L

    Anyone know if Adam Robinson is playiing tomorrow?

    Thanks..was hoping so.....
  5. L

    Anyone know if Adam Robinson is playiing tomorrow?

    Anyone know if Adam is playing tomorrow for sure????Just can't seem to find any place that says he's a "go" for sure....
  6. L

    New week...New game

    This week's loss hurt...deep....but this week we gotta pick ourselves up and move forward...Everyone knows that Saturday is a HUGE game....we gotta quit complaining about last week's loss and get behind the team....they CAN win this week....Hawk fans have been on this roller coaster...