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  1. FoolishFellow

    You Are Ugly

    So there's nothing remotely sexist about injecting his girlfriend/fiance into this conversation and calling her "fairly hot" and then posting pictures of her? Sorry, not buying it. You telling your wife that she's beautiful is not remotely similar to posting a strangers photo on an internet...
  2. FoolishFellow

    You Are Ugly

    Gotta' love how some people here are creepily injecting Uthoff's girlfriend into the conversation as if it somehow makes things better. Here's a hint, objectifying his girlfriend in order to justify the mean, unsportsmanlike conduct of the Maryland student section, is equally creepy and wrong...
  3. FoolishFellow

    ESPN pulls live coverage on Stanford band after it mocks state of Iowa

    Come on, the Iowa band plays nearly the same 4 songs every halftime show. I'm not calling out individual band members here, but the songs that we (the band director) selects to play are some of the most uninspired halftime shows in the entire country. It sucks that we lost, but honestly...
  4. FoolishFellow

    ESPN pulls live coverage on Stanford band after it mocks state of Iowa

    Get over yourself. The Stanford band is everything I wish the Iowa band was. I for one am sick of seeing the damn "Sounds of the 70's" halftime shows for the past decade. The Iowa band has zero creativity, it's really pathetic. I get it, the band director probably was in school during the 70's...
  5. FoolishFellow

    First steps to fixing the problem

    Well this is a blast from the past. I feel like I was 75% right about this, which makes me 100% more right than the vast majority of people who post here.
  6. FoolishFellow

    kinda feel like this is the team of destiny

    I'm not taking issue with your sentiment here, but I'm tired of the narrative that Iowa was outplayed by Nebby. The stat sheet is wonky because Iowa scored on big plays. When you score on big plays, you don't need long sustained drives. Yes, Armstrong played a horrible game, but no interception...
  7. FoolishFellow

    Big Ten Championship Tickets

    Anyone know when "teamtix" are freed up? What are people spending on tickets?
  8. FoolishFellow

    Lincoln Police to hold press conference Wednesday.

    The creepily sexist stuff that gets posted here and elsewhere in relation to this case (and all sexual assault cases involving athletes for that matter) is incredibly disturbing.
  9. FoolishFellow

    Maryland 2:30p Kick

    Married people are gross. Pull your head out of your *** and go to the game.
  10. FoolishFellow

    CJB Sports Hernia?

    Jon, Can you remove this thread. At the moment this rumor is completely unsubstantiated and has been removed by two other Hawkeye forums already. The person who first reported this rumor is not a big donor or someone with special access to the team, I think this thread needs to be removed until...
  11. FoolishFellow

    Drew Ott

    I don't think he meets the last requirement.
  12. FoolishFellow

    Drew Ott

    Medical Hardship RequirementsTo be eligible for a medical hardship waiver, a student-athlete has to meet the following criteria: The student-athlete must suffer the injury during one of their four seasons of college competition or during the senior year of high school. The injury must be...
  13. FoolishFellow

    Drew Ott

    Torn ACL now reported by Morehouse. Damnit...
  14. FoolishFellow


    So again... what the hell does that mean? Are you insinuating that he works for the UIHC and that he looked up Smith's medical records? If you have a legitimate source to your rumor like a pay site, press, or twitter just say it, instead of pretending to have inside knowledge. At least when I...
  15. FoolishFellow


    To me it just says there is no reason to make him travel when that time could go into rehabilitation and working with trainers/medical staff.
  16. FoolishFellow


    Are you just saying that or do you actually know something. Seriously, vague comments like this are the most pointless **** that gets posted to this board. People speaking casually like they know stuff that others don't.
  17. FoolishFellow

    Reinstate Hawknick

    What did he do?
  18. FoolishFellow

    Lack of Offense

    Exactly. Wisconsin D was great today. Missing Tevaun was also huge. We won and that's all that matters. CJ wasn't stellar today, but he still threaded the needle on a few passes and showed off his arm strength. Timing was off because Tevaun was gone.
  19. FoolishFellow

    Tevaun Smith injury rumor

    Rumor on a pay site that he has a knee injury and won't play this week. Hopefully unfounded like the Mitchell rumor from a few weeks ago.