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  1. J


    You have the right to ask the questions, granted. The coaches have the right (and the responsibility) to answer them as they see fit. Kirk's MO is pretty well known after 13 years as HC......why ask the questions, other than to frustrate yourself? Kirk is no different than Hayden....or...
  2. J

    1970 Iowa Hoops Article: Iowa breaks NCAA record 121 points

    I heard after THAT game, Ralph Miller said at the practice the day before, everyone was so "down" he threw the ball out on the floor and told the team to "do something, we have an hour to kill."
  3. J

    Coach Fry's Legacy in the new Big 10

    Pellini was at Iowa one year, not a lot of connection there. He played FB at Nebraska and assisted there, too, I believe.
  4. J

    Do professional athletes deserve their pay?

    It really wasn't that long ago (as late as the 60's) that most professional athletes worked fulltime jobs in their offseason to make ends meet. It isn't that way any more...unless they're serving jail time. Of course athletes are over are entertainers. However, they are a victim of...
  5. J

    So how big of a stadium could we fill?

    It makes for better business to create a demand for your product. I don't think Kinnick can get much bigger without HUGE costs and renovations. Bowlsby had "plans" to build a new stadium out west of the golf course, I believe and the costs then was absolutely staggering...about $450M...and...
  6. J

    Miller: Dollars and Sense of Big 10 Expansion

    I find all this interesting. I'm old enough to appreciate change and how and why it happens. However, somewhere back in my "old school brain" I cannot help but think that we are all whores when it comes to $$$$$. We will go to any extent, use any rationale and forsake what we have held dear in...
  7. J

    Big Ten Icons: Who from Iowa?

    Duke Slater....Cal Jones.....Alex Karras......Randy Duncan......Maury Weir....Don Nelson....Fred Brown....Ronnie Lester....Banack bros.....Chuck Long.....Tom Brands.....McIlvary.....Lots of names, most will get left off for sure......
  8. J

    What good becomes of gaining the world, but losing your soul?

    Bob Dylan sang about it (The Times They are a Changin'"........In Godfather 2, Lee Strasberg spoke about it (I didn't like it, but I accepted it. This is the business we have chosen.").........It's where we have evolved to in life........."Moral fiber" (the ability to do the right thing) has...