Search results

  1. GravyJones

    Olympic Hurdler Laura Jones = Anna Kournikova

    This is some of the craziest **** I have ever read.
  2. GravyJones

    Permanent lights at Kinnick

    Or superior Google-using know how.
  3. GravyJones

    Permanent lights at Kinnick
  4. GravyJones

    BTN announces on-air talent for this fall

    Josh Lewin. Ugh.
  5. GravyJones

    Ferentz going after PSU players

    You must have a different twitter.!/search/ferentz%20silas%20redd
  6. GravyJones

    B1G Mascots dancing to "call me maybe"

    This is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. And I have seen a lot of dumb things.
  7. GravyJones

    ? about Marshal Koehn

    He was an all-stater at 2B.
  8. GravyJones

    Rumblings out of West Lafayette Painters in trouble

    Painter's salary from incentive based to guaranteed money - Purdue Exponent: Mens: painter contract,
  9. GravyJones

    Hilarious!!! Father's Day Video

  10. GravyJones

    Hilarious!!! Father's Day Video

    I don't see the link to the hilarious video.
  11. GravyJones

    Need quick help from any photoshoppers out there!

    and by the end of the day, he means within 15 minutes
  12. GravyJones

    Greatest Player in Iowa FB History (and you can't vote for Kinnick)

    well that's one I've never seen before
  13. GravyJones

    NBA can't shake loose of thuggish image

    And they are glorious. I only wish they were half as big as yours, tubby.
  14. GravyJones

    NBA can't shake loose of thuggish image

    I have a strong feeling you know very little about why the lockout occurred.
  15. GravyJones

    O lineman U

    Why is this just becoming a story? He jumped over to the O-line last preseason.
  16. GravyJones


    Jimmy Graham, T. Gonzalez, A. Gates, and Eric May. Who are 4 people who have never been in my kitchen?
  17. GravyJones

    Better Performance: Marble V Oregon or Gatens V Wisky

    What does that have to do with the individual's performance?
  18. GravyJones

    Aaron White nickname

  19. GravyJones

    Rodney Coe now a GO?

    If I had my druthers, nobody would say any of them.
  20. GravyJones

    Aaron White nickname

    Me too.