Search results

  1. T

    Dear Larry Cotlar:

    Answer me this why would 1700 "the champ" even hire Cotlar and Terrill on the same station, and then make Cotlar work with M.T. i feel sorry for Cotlar, even though he's kinda of a gomer on the airways..
  2. T

    Are we fed up yet ?

    Hey how do we know that isn't the new music building..
  3. T

    Are we fed up yet ?

    Look people, if you can't see the writing on the wall with how Barta is handling every aspect of this search, then you must be blind.. I bet Bobby H. doesn't have much to say on the committe, he just makes phone calls.. do you really think a good coach is going to look at ia. and Barta and say...
  4. T


    reading all these posts, does anyone really have confidence in Barta finding someone for our basketball program? Let me know.. Even Jon Mlller (on his show) doesn't sound like he has alot of confidence in our A.D. That's alright Jon, I'm with you...