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  1. H

    Reputation Comments

    I like the comment someone left me....."Quick being an idiot. Please." Nothing better than someone calling you an idiot when they cant even put a single coherent sentance together.
  2. H


    Actually Valasquez will get the next title shot with the Nelson v. Dos Santos fight determining the number one contender spot. UFC 117: Junior dos Santos and Roy Nelson fighting to decide next heavyweight number one contender - MMA Mania
  3. H

    The Cubs' $18,875,000 Man

    Wow, I am as big a cubs fan as you will find but this is getting tough to watch even for me! I am used to them being out of it around the all star break but this is getting ridiculous. UGH!!
  4. H

    Draft Coverage (ESPN)

    I liked when they were showing Tim Tebow (and Family) live and you could hear the panel in backround saying "who's pick is it?" even though Teboe was clearly putting a Bronco's hat on.
  5. H

    Marshall to Miami!

    I think this is a huge pick up for the Dolphins! With the running game that they have and a good young QB in Henne I think this pickup will push the Phins over the edge and make them a perenial playoff team! ***All of this is contingent on Marshall keeping his nose clean of course!
  6. H

    Hawkeye Football Calendars

    I know exactly what you mean! I am staring at Matt Kroul in my office right now!
  7. H

    Not counting BB, AC or AS...Who is Iowa's next NFL Prospect?

    Absolutely! If he throws 10 picks next year his football career is over!
  8. H

    Interesting CBS Poll

    Just saw this on the CBS site......I thought the results as of now are pretty interesting. Are people starting to open their eyes to the SEC?? Is the SEC overrated? 50% Yes: I agree with Gregg 50% No: Gregg is so wrong Total Votes: 10679...
  9. H

    anyone interested in trading 2 TIX to IA/INDY for an Autograph'd Hawkeye Helmet?

    "Your seriously a D0uche'-bag Okeefe4prez" Agree x100!! WTF??? Is this dude serious??
  10. H

    Accuscore says. . .

    Isn't accuscore just them simulating a video 10000 times or something like that?? what a joke. I doubt they will ever post how accurate it is.........because it isnt!!
  11. H

    #6 team an underdog?

  12. H

    We open some nonbelievers eyes Saturday.

    Its unbelievable the little amount of faith we have in the hawks. Every week half the posters on these boards are picking the hawks to lose......or win "in a close one". There are people that are already setting up their "this is a trap game" line for indiana.....INDIANA???!!!!???? At some...