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  1. F

    Dale Jones redshirt

    They mentioned during the game that he was applying for a medical and should have a very good case to get one. Didn't say when we would find out.
  2. F

    Anybody watching this College football playoff show on Fox now?

    I may be wrong but I believe that it was the SEC homer on the show that said it was the most boring state after Quinn said we had the perception of a boring team that runs the football. The Alabama homer was especially obnoxious, like Alabama is on the must see state list. Whitlock was as...
  3. F

    Official PSU next loss to IOWA game thread.

    Yeah, don't understand why last possession didn't go to uhtoff, he is feeling it. Clemons has to run the team better when he is in. Really don't understand running down strategy there at all, just work and get a good luck. There was a 10 sec differential.
  4. F

    Who Gets In To The NCAA Tournament?

    Surprise, Surprise. BS prediction models are BS.
  5. F

    Where for art thou, Wolfgang?

    Agreed, tired of deace casts always finding ways to talk about michigan. I want to hear about Iowa. Looking forward to some more wolf.
  6. F

    Woody does it again pulls the hat trick

    Keep on grinding sensationalist. Keep on grinding. I have yet to see you make an intelligent reply even remotely considering the other points people have made. The fact that you compared this to a child sexual abuse scandal proves my point.
  7. F

    Woody does it again pulls the hat trick

    Yes let's base everything off of the opinion of the masses of sheep that have been force fed a biased review of the situation. Slow mo view without context of the score/situation, doesn't even show that player was quickly diving into the line. Is his technique poor yes? Should he clean it up...
  8. F

    Woody does it again pulls the hat trick

    Wow, lightning has really clowned himself up in here. Credibility forever shot, I haven't been paying attention perhaps he never had any. The fact that you can't even show any credence to the counter points made shows you have nothing but an axe to grind.
  9. F

    Mike Wilbon Calls for Retaliation

    Wow, all Fran has done is shown that he has the players back and will fight for them no matter what. Refuses to throw them under the bus (think how Alford would handle this or Lik). Posts like these make me question reading these boards, nothing but crazies and pot stirrers fishing for...
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    Mike Wilbon Calls for Retaliation

    Oh look, iowalaw found his way over to the basektball board to do his normal trollage.
  11. F

    Ferentz Wearing Down?

  12. F

    Tune into Pitt-Cincy now to see why B10 title game

    Pretty weak argument Jon; Go back and watch Montana vs App St playoffgame from last year in blizzard. Place was packed, atmosphere was completely electric, made me really wish we had playoff football or championship games in the Big Ten. Some of the most memorable games in football...
  13. F

    UM Raises RichRod Up

    This is as desperate as the "We are Lebron" fiasco.
  14. F

    Miller: Everybody's Talking

    The trend over the past 5 years is what is alarming: -- Record over past 5 years combined is mediocre; throw out 2009 and it's very poor -- Record in close wins in 5 years is horrid; throw out 2009 it's embarrassing I don't want Ferentz fired by any means but i'm concerned. -- He...
  15. F

    The truth about our D, a statistical analysis.

    First off, this year's defense was slightly above average, nothing spectacular but certainly not bad. They were plenty servicable to win games for you if our offense carried their weight, especially in the 2nd half of the season. Stats can be misleading; because of our offensive and...
  16. F

    Ok, IF you want to argue playoff...

    I think the title of this post should have been: "Ok, If you want to argue against what they said on BTN and Beyond please have better rebuttals than my points" You arguments against a playoff are very weak and closed minded. 1) what are these polls you speak of, what reason is to...