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  1. H

    Olaseni commits to Iowa

    Gabe - Welcome on the Hawkeye express. I am looking forward to Carver next year! Mr. Calkins - I believe that was roughly the amount of time to reach the end of the your bowling shoes.
  2. H

    Don't Dismiss the B.J. Armstrong Talk

    Mr Calkins- It's great to hear you are still light on your feet. =) I absolutely adored those shoes. My initials are RA and I graduated from the WB in 1999. That should narrow it down a bit. Yes, I feel confident that the Hawkeyes will rise again! Enjoy your St. Paddy's day!
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    Don't Dismiss the B.J. Armstrong Talk

    AZMess- Apparently Jon isn't the only one Bear on the message boards. =)
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    Don't Dismiss the B.J. Armstrong Talk

    Sorry for a quick off topic comment...I saw an earlier reference to my favorite middle school langauge arts teacher...Mr. Calkins. I only have one question.. Do you still wear the bowling shoes?