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  1. Cover3

    B1G needs to limit coaches talking to refs

    Yeah. I don't mind them yelling at them in passing, but I think they should enforce the coaches' boxes better. To use Fran as an example, he was about four feet onto the floor for 6-8 seconds on one of our second-half offensive possessions against Wisconsin. Really should have been a T.
  2. Cover3

    70 Points

    For the most part, yes, at home at least. Had a pretty solid point total at Virginia Tech, though.
  3. Cover3


    I kind of agree with everybody here. No one game is a must-win in itself, but tm3308 is right in that the more close games we lose, the more we have to pull of a real stunner to make the tourney. That said, I'm taking it one game at a time with these guys. I mean, we're talking about a program...
  4. Cover3

    The improbability of Iowa's comeback last night

    Yes, and besides being encouraging, I hope it lends to some more poise out of the team when they hit the hardwood at Purdue. There are no such things as moral victories, but I think the team's aggregate frame of mind and confidence might be better suited for an actual W on Sunday than if they...
  5. Cover3

    How many times does Iowa beat Wisconsin this year?

    I think I will bumpers now that it's clear why I didn't include "zero" as an option in the poll.
  6. Cover3

    Badgers Blowin' Up!

    plz explain
  7. Cover3

    For perspective: Alabama’s six poor seasons in the last 15

    Yep. To me the big difference between Ferentz and Fry is denoted by the number of 8s and 9s that appear in their respective eras. Ferentz would need a nice run of solid seasons to have a similar number of 8+ win seasons after twenty years. Also, for those seeking remote examples for...
  8. Cover3

    What would you call

    Have to agree with Billso here. Our PF/PA averages weren't great in '09, largely because we had close games with UNI, Arkansas State and others. I'm with olddude that non-con blowouts (may be wishful thinking at this point) would be nice to see again, but at the same time, Minnesota's early...
  9. Cover3

    To the naysayers

    Troof. Probably. I still think the Hawks can pull 9-9 in the B1G and be on the bubble, but they can't all. I love watching them, but the odds are not in their favor. Still, good to be back in the place where an NIT trip would be disappointing to much of the fanbase.
  10. Cover3

    Josh Oglesby

    Yep. He doesn't suck, unlike some on here say. However, it may be best to let him ride the pine for awhile. He's still got two more years in this program, and they won't be any better than this one if he keeps pressing and shooting off-balance, twisting shots. His results have been poor, there...
  11. Cover3

    Do you like the motion offense we run?

    Indeed. I generally like our flow and the looks we get, but against good competition the last three games, I think the guys have gotten tense and a bit shy about using interior passing lanes in the half court. It'll get better with experience. Each of Fran's teams has bounced back well from ugly...
  12. Cover3

    Should Coaches Foul when up by three in the waning seconds?

    It's hard to accurately gauge the risks. They're probably close to identical, but here's how I see the 'cons' sorting themselves out: Fouling: 1. May foul in the act of shooting (but an 80% FT shooter only makes all three about half the time: .8^3=.512) 2. Shooter (if shooting 2) may make...
  13. Cover3

    Andrew Francis Tweet

    Update: "I've grown to appreciate, respect n enjoy living in Iowa n representing this great university n the ppl. I write this cause its wht I feel!" 12 minutes ago Annnnnnd.....let the analysis continue!!! Go.
  14. Cover3

    Highlight of Last Nights NC Game

    Yeah. I think that wins the John L. Smith Halftime Interview of the Year Award. "We can't do anything. It's all Alabama!" I actually found it to be a refreshing change from usual coach speak.
  15. Cover3

    Since 1983, Michigan is Iowa's second toughest place to win

    I looked at it twice, Jack. Very close. That "00.1" just hadn't quite faded from the clock yet, but WOW.
  16. Cover3

    Purdue Trend?

    Interesting. I did not know that. Other than the full heads of hair, both Painter and Weber seem to be emulating their mentor very effectively.
  17. Cover3

    Purdue Trend?

    Why teh Brooce Webbers in teh middle?
  18. Cover3

    Since 1983, Michigan is Iowa's second toughest place to win

    Man, those IL (3 wins in Champaign since 1983) and MSU (no wins in E. Lansing since 1993) are streaks that you would more expect to see in football, where teams only play in certain road venues three times a decade sometimes. I've been following Iowa basketball since I was a youngster in...
  19. Cover3

    More thuggery from the fighting Izzos?

    Sure looks like a punch. That said, though, I can't recall the Fighting Izzos ever systematically sporting a lot of dirty play as a program. The Fighting Dantonios, however....