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  1. IlpYGwoeBk

    Watched 2nd half

    To be honest, message boards are kind of dying (sad to say). Twitter was going crazy last night and today all the national guys are tweeting out props and sharing articles about it.
  2. IlpYGwoeBk

    Iowa up to 14th in RPI

    Yeah, there's no real way to quantify what is actual luck and what is just doing the little things right or being disciplined in late game situations. An interesting case is Providence. They are 13-1 and have an 8-1 record in games decided by 8 points or less. RPI says awesome, you won almost...
  3. IlpYGwoeBk

    Iowa up to 14th in RPI

    Yeah, to clarify, Iowa is 14th in kenpom. They are 23rd in the RPI. I believe some committee members do look at kenpom, but RPI is still kind of the official metric that is used. Iowa is usually better in kenpom than RPI because they tend to lose a lot of close games. Which is why they are also...
  4. IlpYGwoeBk

    Roll Call... Who is driving to Pasadena??

    No way I'd plan on taking the 80 or 70 route, it's just too risky in December/January. I think Vail Pass has been at a standstill for hours today because some idiot caused a huge accident.
  5. IlpYGwoeBk

    RB Tix Falling

    I think every single thing in this post is wrong, except for the fact that Wisconsin made a Rose Bowl I guess...
  6. IlpYGwoeBk


    You could always just go to for all of your knockoff Chinese needs, I know all kinds of people who order things ranging from random trinkets to jerseys and they never have a problem, as long as you realize the quality won't be very good. edit: I forgot, I bought this once as a...
  7. IlpYGwoeBk

    Gonna get this (rose) done pretty cheap I think.

    He's just crashing there for a few hours, I'm sure he'll be fine.
  8. IlpYGwoeBk

    How to authenticate Rose Bowl tickets?

    That's interesting, since stubhub is the official partner of MLB, I assumed that every time a ticket was resold that it generated a new barcode and cancelled out the original one and that is was connected to MLB's system automatically somehow. I've purchased a lot of tickets on stubhub with no...
  9. IlpYGwoeBk

    get your tickets direct

    Yeah, I check periodically just to see if something might have randomly been released, but the only thing that is ever available is the package seating around $2K, no regular tickets.
  10. IlpYGwoeBk

    Rating the Best Bowls Under Ferentz/Fry

    The 2005 Capital One bowl has to be number one in my lifetime. I still pull up Dolph's call of that last play from time to time... "9 seconds to play and Drew Tate doesn't know that! The game's gonna end on this play! He fires downfield, it's caught, and into the end zone, touchdown Iowa...
  11. IlpYGwoeBk

    Fire Fran Thread here!!!!!

    We need New Fran to show up and figure out how to coach the final 5 minutes and not create mentally weak teams year after year.
  12. IlpYGwoeBk

    Pathetic loss, pathetic court storm

    I'm over it, I don't care if they stormed the court, I don't care if they got more calls during their big run (and I don't even think they did), this is the kind of game you just have to forget about as a fan. For your sanity.
  13. IlpYGwoeBk

    Complete look at all 16 scenarios should we lose

    Maybe you could upload the full size image onto imgur and link it? I can't really read it, but how did the Peach only come in at 1%? Isn't it kind of a 50/50 shot between that and the Fiesta if Iowa loses and doesn't go to the Rose?
  14. IlpYGwoeBk

    Anybody watching this College football playoff show on Fox now?

    It's funny, Whitlock is only on Fox Sports because ESPN fired him after he completely botched The Undefeated. If you read about that situation, it's very obvious that he is incredibly egotistical and a very bad manager and sadly, person.
  15. IlpYGwoeBk

    Dumbest thing anyone has said about Iowa

    Jason Whitlock just said he has Iowa at 8th right now and wouldn't put them in the playoff if they beat MSU. I would say something negative about him, but dude looks sick, I think he needs the visit the doctor and get some bloodwork done, so I'll save my outrage on that one.
  16. IlpYGwoeBk

    We are #4 undefeated and

    Nah, it will be 1-3, lines are almost always within a couple points of Sagarin unless there is some kind of key injury.
  17. IlpYGwoeBk

    So, let's say Clemson and Bama lose?

    You're talking about two games where Clemson/Alabama will be 7-10 point favorites. I think at this point we are almost certainly looking at Clemson, Alabama, Oklahoma, winner of Iowa/MSU. Other speculation is fun, but probably not realistic. I don't want to see Alabama or Oklahoma though, I'll...
  18. IlpYGwoeBk

    We are #4 undefeated and

    Yep, and because of betting patterns it will be a 2 or 3 point line I believe.
  19. IlpYGwoeBk

    We are #4 undefeated and

    Michigan State will only be a 1-3 point favorite.
  20. IlpYGwoeBk

    Iowa in Elite & Selective B1G Company at 12-0

    The list is pretty much the same, just add two for OSU and two for Michigan. Ohio State 2013 (12-0, finished 12-2) 2012 (12-0 final record) 2006 (12-0, finished 12-1) 2002 (14-0 final record) 1995 (11-0, finished 11-2) 1979 (11-0, finished 11-1) Michigan 2006 (11-0, finished 11-2) 1997 (12-0...