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    Kaylon or Jake

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    Playing better without Tucker?

    To quote Bud Grant and only for the safe of discussion; former HOF coach of the MN Vikings, and I quote....."stat's are for losers."
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    Trey Stross Injury?

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    Saw a sign, paraphrasing....."the grass is always greener on the Idaho side". It is painful to watch the blue field, IMO.
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    Tucker's Decisions Exact Heavy Toll

    I'm confused, so you would care about his basketball and not just compartmentalize that part of the whole?
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    Jake Kelly's numbers at Indiana State

    If you're correct (see bolded), then JK is a small person and lied why he left the program. It was reported that TL personally plead Kelly's case to the NCAA for Kelly to have immediate elgibility. Continually bringing up formers players that quit the team is nothing more that piling on and...
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    Roy Marble destroying the competition

    Where or how did this rumor get started? Some idiot blogger?
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    Tucker enters plea today

    Let the "get-well" process begin.....hopefully, AT comes thru this time. I wish him every future success!
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    Urban Meyer LEAVING FLORIDA!

    Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread Browns? So the comments about his faith, family, and health are just a deception? I'm just asking, since you sound fairly sure, as I have no idea what would be next for him. I will say; however, that personally I don't think his offensive...
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    Some updates on Tucker/Cole from the presser

    Only voluntary; couldn't be further from the truth. Involuntary leaves are a very common HR tool. Some are paid, some are unpaid. I've used an involuntary leave MANY times. Involuntary leaves are used in law enforcement, while it is determined if a cop had a good shoot or not. Teachers...
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    Gopher colors changing?

    Changing colors? Repaint the new stadium? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......not.
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    I'm bored...figure I'll stir things up

    A non-event and ancient history.....not worth your intentional stir. Thanks to this thread, now we're bored, too.
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    Anthony Tucker: What Next?

    What's next, IDK. I heard AT plead not guilty. Now we wait and see, I don't believe anyone knows at this point.
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    Cougill or Van Deest

    Cougill. I hadn't heard much of VD until the game. I didn't hear any buzz about him during recruiting and I certainly wouldn't judge him better that Coug's based on only one game.
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    Hey, we won today...

    Since Young was yaping in the DMRag that an Iowa sweep would be a highlight for his Drake career, makes this in-state victory even more sweet.
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    Do You Want the Big 10 to add another team?

    Possible answer; however, "No" is not four letters? Oh well.
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    Do You Want the Big 10 to add another team?

    No, i'll type more because i got an error message saying my message was too short, WTH (what the heck)? Does that mean "NM" will not work either?
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    Iowa State Suspends Defensive Back

    Williams is worthy of a thread. He is just intellectually challenged.....basically an empty suit or should I say an empty jersey. As soon as he comes on or subs on a show, it is immediately changed.
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    Big 10 Announcement Today--Looking to Expand to 12 Teams

    There is no momentum from the ones that matter and/or can make it happen, the presidents. My bet is this is much ado about nothing.
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    Coach Norm

    The other site is reporting, via ESPN, that Norm Parker is coaching from the booth today. The reason given was illness. It was also stated in the other post that the last time Norm was in the booth was when he lost a toe in 2004. He did lose another toe this year. Good thoughts and...