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  1. LoyalSon

    !*****Official 'Iowa Hokey Pokeys Holes In The Trojans' Game Thread*****!

    The defender kicked ISM in the face after the play was over.
  2. LoyalSon

    !*****Official 'Iowa Hokey Pokeys Holes In The Trojans' Game Thread*****!

    But he was back behind it before he threw.
  3. LoyalSon

    !*****Official 'Iowa Hokey Pokeys Holes In The Trojans' Game Thread*****!

    I’d say that should about do it for the criticism of Stanley.
  4. LoyalSon

    Describe Your Best Memory from the Fry Era

    It is tough to pick one single memory, but I'll go with meeting him during the "High Porch Picnic" celebration in Carver after his retirement. He signed books on the concourse beforehand, and the line was around then arena. He took time to personalize each autograph, pose for pictures, and...
  5. LoyalSon

    Hayden Fry

    I can’t believe how sad his passing makes me. We were so blessed to have him lead our favorite team.
  6. LoyalSon

    He can frustrate us with his stretch plays, but man a first class guy

    Thanks or posting. This is a great reminder of one of the reasons its easy to love Iowa football!
  7. LoyalSon

    The arrogance that is Nebraska football under Frost

    I think we need to have the video of the NE tight end flopping after Epenesa tapped his shoulder on a continuous loop during the pregame next year. Include Matt Millen's commentary also, and maybe a string of tweets. They should be embarrassed as hell at that crap!
  8. LoyalSon

    Howe: Cy-Hawk Game A Treasure for Our State

    I'd also include "The Waiting" and "Learning to Fly" in that list.
  9. LoyalSon

    Howe: Cy-Hawk Game A Treasure for Our State

    "American Girl" from that album is one of his greatest. Over 40 years later, it was the last song he ever played in concert.
  10. LoyalSon

    Howe: Cy-Hawk Game A Treasure for Our State

    To quote James Earl Jones as Terrance Mann in Field of Dreams, "alright, now you've really pissed me off!" A lot of people complain about Kirk Ferentz, but your criticism of Tom Petty is a bridge too far for this Hawkeye fan. In all seriousness, I think the comparison of either to the other is...
  11. LoyalSon

    Howe: Thoughts & Observations from an Unfortunate Day in Iowa Athletics

    I thought the first press conference was a success. It's just too bad Barta's silence made it necessary. I respect Dolph more than ever. The second press conference almost made things worse. McCaffrey still seems to see himself as the victim. Barta just seems to be in over his head.
  12. LoyalSon

    Poll: The reason you visit Hawkeyenation

    I ask myself that question more and more. A few years ago I would have said that I enjoy reading comments from other fans that enjoy and support the Hawkeyes. Now, I wonder why all these "fans" are so angry and critical about anything and everything. To quote Crash Davis from Bull Durham...
  13. LoyalSon

    Iowa section at Outback

    Iowa is on the west side. Look for sections 107-114 as best seats. I had the same thought hearing about those damn cowbells!
  14. LoyalSon

    So you are through watching Iowa Football

    At the risk of sounding holier than thou... My support for Hawkeye sports is not based on wins and losses. I cheer for the Hawkeyes because I love the University of Iowa. I love the University of Iowa because I have two degrees from the university, and both of my children are current...
  15. LoyalSon

    Thoughts on new end-zone?

    I sit in Section 130 towards the north end of the west stands. The stadium certainly does feel different. I definitely though it was louder than before, and it also seems that there is likely to be much less wind at field level now. I totally agree about the water tower and missing the second...
  16. LoyalSon

    Interesting article on trying to increase ticket sales & better fan relations at Iowa

    This is consistent with my experience as well. I have had season tickets since 1989, and I noticed a spike in objectionable behavior that preceded the crackdown. It was getting to the point that I questioned bringing my son to games. It may have been the 1% ruining it for the 99%, but ruin it...
  17. LoyalSon

    RIP Keith Jackson

    If memory serves me correctly this game included my favorite Keith Jackson line ever. After Iowa was way ahead, an Illinois receiver named Sean Wax caught a meaningless touchdown pass, and celebrated like it was a game winner. KJ said something along the lines of "Son, you may have just won a...