Does anyone else find it ironic that the Cyclone Fanatic forum currently has a very active thread (with 611 pages) titled "Tough Day for EIU Hoops"? They must be modeling themselves after Nebraska football - "but hey, we used to be relevant!" I guess it's true that life is made for those not...
Not to say this is more important than other goals, but I really want a B1G regular season title. I'm really sick of hearing about how long its been without one.
I was a student at Iowa then, and I have kicked myself ever since that game for not making the trip to Champaign, although Keith Jackson's call of the game was awesome itself. Late in the game, Illinois scored a garbage time touchdown on a pass to a receiver named Sean Wax. He celebrated like...
I was there too, and that game tops the list of disappointing games for me. It was bad enough when Hanks went for the pick with no chance of doing anything with it at the end of the first half, but a real gut punch when he got burned on the last play of the second half as well. I love...
You have worked too hard to lose to a horrible team like the 2020 Nebraska Corn Huskers. If you win this game, you will enjoy it for a few days. If you lose this game you will be haunted by it for the rest of your lives. Now let's get out there and play your best game of the season.
I'm going only with backs I've seen play. I have Nick Bell (a true beast that ranks highly for me because I met him a few times and he seemed like a good guy), Shonn Greene (Sean Duong still can't remember what hit him), Tavian Banks (stuck playing on some bad teams) and Fred Russell. Throw in...
I'm very sorry to hear this. All the best to you Rob! I hope this works out for the best for you and for all of us that love the Hawkeyes. There are a lot of us "lurkers" that will miss Hawkeye Nation.
Mine is from "On Iowa," the "other" fight song. OIPATF is my license plate, and my user name is Loyal Son. "On Iowa proudly at the fore, on Iowa on forever more, every loyal son will raise a rousing toast to you..."
Maybe I'm reading something into it that isn't there, but I have assumed that the frequent slapping of his bicep is a take off on George Kittle often doing the same thing, as he did in the football hype video. If that is in fact his intention, I like it a lot!
No matter the circumstances, I'd rather have an Iowa win. If Iowa is in the national championship game, that would be especially true! In the situation you describe, I'd like our chances the following year in any event.
I care about Iowa's bowl games a lot because it's the last memory heading into the off season. It also shapes the narrative until September. The conference record does matter to me, because it shapes national perceptions, but I'd rather see the conference go 1-8 if Iowa is the only win than...
It really seems that the net effect of reply has been negative. The burden of proof to overturn a call needs to be clarified as “clear and convincing” before a call is overturned. The definition of targeting and what constitutes a catch need simplification.
Actually I thought the octogenarian was exceedingly profuse in his compliments about Iowa. What I heard was that he wishes they were like us. I’ve heard a lot of USC talking heads ***cough Reggie Bush cough*** that acted like the Hawks had no business being on the same field, but this guy...
Not attempting to diminish the win at all. I just couldn’t help but notice that the posters on the USC boards couldn’t fathom losing the game until tonight, and the talking heads re still focusing on USC rathe than Iowa.