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  1. P

    US National Team About to Sell Out Ravens Stadium

    Sure they might sell out, but 65% won't be rooting for the U.S.
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    The Open Championship

    Lefty destroyed that back nine.
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    '16-'17 schedule. Prepare for the big boys!

    Considering there's only 2 good teams in the conference, big deal.
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    Marsteller to PSU

    The problem seems to be hit and miss as far as the Iowa (and surrounding) HS scene is concern. PENN always has top notch recruits, but when Iowa has multiple studs, that's when we get the #1 recruiting class.
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    Burke Paddock signed

    Sounds like Marstellar has been set for PSU.
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    Gilman not Gilmore.
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    Stanley Cup Finals - Bruins-Blackhawks ought to be great original 6 final

    I'm going with the "we're back" Iowa basketball fan as the most obnoxious.
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    Stanley Cup Finals - Bruins-Blackhawks ought to be great original 6 final

    Like taking a puck to the face, and going back out and playing?
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    Stanley Cup Finals - Bruins-Blackhawks ought to be great original 6 final

    Rask reminds me a lot of Roberto Longo against the Hawks. Stops the first shot regardless of difficulty, but gives big rebounds which Chicago is able to score on.
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    Congrats to Metcalf for making the world team! Also, Gilmore and Brooks made the junior world team!
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    CR are you there, or watching on FLO?
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    Friday's freestyle: 60KG Humphrey over Kennedy 6-3, 13-5 74KG Burroughs over Dake 7-0, 8-6 OT 96KG Bergman over Pendleton 9-2, Pin Side note:M* lost to Howe, 3-0 (similar to college). Dake had to knock out Paulson, Taylor, and Howe just to get to Burroughs. Taylor teched Howe for true 3rd at...
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    Stanley Cup Finals - Bruins-Blackhawks ought to be great original 6 final

    Boston has seemed to crack the code on Crawford (go high, glove-side). Could get ugly for the Blackhawks if they're not careful.
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    Ben Berhow is a Hawkeye

    I like it as well. Comes from excellent HWT pedigree. Too bad Backes had to go, he was really starting to shore up the upper weights.
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    Stanley Cup Finals - Bruins-Blackhawks ought to be great original 6 final

    Rask is nuts. Chicago should have had at least 4 goals in the first.