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  1. D

    Miller: The Hawkeyes Have a Chance to Retake Something from Wisconsin

    What fan base? Thank you for telling me what I think.
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    Miller: The Hawkeyes Have a Chance to Retake Something from Wisconsin

    This old argument is getting really tired. I attend all of Iowa's home and away games and talk to a lot of people, many of whom are very knowledgeable about the condition of Iowa football. Quite frankly, not that many of them see any QB controversy at all. The myth of CJ is just that...
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    Future Attendence

    OK...the majority of the posters on this thread are speculating, but present their views as factual. I am willing to bet that the season ticket sales for 2015 will be within 1-2 percent, plus or minus, of the 2014 sales. Yes, I am speculating, not stating a fact. The assumption that lots of...
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    Future Attendence

    Wow. This thread is kind of depressing, which I suppose is predictable given the poor performance by the Iowa football team this year. Certainly, the view that Iowa does not play "exciting" football is prevalent among the posters on HN. I sure cannot argue that point for the last 3 years...
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    Iowa Signs Four in 2015 Class

    This should be a really fun class as we watch them develop into BT players. It would be great, (says capt. obvious) if we could land a true center this spring. Also, I read a rather lengthy report in the CR Gazette this a.m. that described every BT team's line up and expectations for the 14-15...
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    Where KF decisions will really hurt this team

    I think Dean made some valid points when he started this thread; as a poster, he is typically reasonable and candid. I do not know if switching QB's earlier in the year would have helped. Why? Because I think we have two very average QB's each of whom has some significant weaknesses. Now...
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    Saw this on another site. Barta responds to a fan about Ferentz

    So, are you suggesting that nobody emails GB to express an opinion? That seems like the perfect solution to me!
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    Ferentz Talks Minnesota Loss, Illinois Game

    I just get the biggest kick out of this thread, which reappears every time KF gives a presser. The comments on this site are so predictable, that I usually don't even look at it. When we win, of course, there are few comments made, but when we lose, OMG, the press and KF get blasted! So, if...
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    Ferentz' Contract

    Yeah, what the h@ll...geez, the older I get the more I rattle on. (Good thread though, huh?) Doc
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    Big News: IOWA hoop ranked #20 by

    JG 10: In no way could I have said it better! Thank you!
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    The Read Option

    I certainly could be wrong, but in no way would I believe CJ is a true dual threat QB in a Division 1 setting.
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    ...sorry to be positive

    For what he gets paid, he SHOULD get post season invitations!
  13. D

    Kirk Racking Up Lots of National Votes for Bonehead of the Week

    You must post here under several handles, since you barely change the wording as you consistently wrap KF's salary into whatever your expectations are for how many wins YOU deserve as a "fan."
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    I would like to hear Ferentz say this just once.....

    So, what do you suggest? Do you want to have him break down, sob, give back a bunch of his salary, then resign? Sorry, but your statement is just flat dumb.
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    I would like to hear Ferentz say this just once.....

    What do you NOT understand about this statement, which has been made by KF on more than one occasion: "We were out coached."
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    Saw this on another site. Barta responds to a fan about Ferentz

    I think BG's response is candid, it does not spare the coaches or athletes, and he would be a dam fool to say anything other than "I support our head coach." What would happen if he would say in public, "Yeah. I, too, am disturbed about KF's performance. Let's get together for a beer and talk...
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    Ferentz' Contract

    This thread, given the touchy subject, was handled very well. The OP, G11, jfish06, just to name a few, have been very calm and reasoned in their approach. So, I read the thread carefully; thanks for providing some interesting points! Just a couple of things to add. I have seen comments...
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    Akrum Wadley 9 68 7.6 0

    Check out the Gamefilm blog on Iowa's O vs MN; he has a good analysis of Akrum.
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    The Read Option

    Good stuff! This is along the lines of what I have been thinking but is far better articulated that I have been able to achieve. Thanks! I know this is a thread about Iowa's D, but in addition, this is what I hoped Iowa would go to on the O when GD arrived. I have NO problem with the play...
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    Who here felt good b/f the MN game?

    Due to my usual optimism, I thought the NW game would set a positive tone with Iowa, especially on offense, and that we would beat MN by a couple of TD's. That said, I was nervous about the game, but I am nervous about all of Iowa's games. I was absolutely devastated by the loss...I would have...