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    O'Keefe Returns to Iowa Staff

    WOW, I can't believe he would leave the pros in Miami frickin Florida and that awsome weather to come back to Iowa in this role and have to recruit again. You can criticize all you want. I think its a great move for Iowa. Put your hate aside for KF and realize that if Brian fails as OC, they are...
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    What a fun team to watch

    That fat lady sits knowing its coming and just covers her eyes like it will go away. You think she could shout to move the hell out of the way.
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    Martin commits to Michigan

    My son played with Martin,graduated last year. The only negative thing he had to say about him was he didn't like to block. I can't say that I ever noticed that. But ,hell Martin was on the field the entire game. He did everything. I wouldn't blame him for taking a blow where he could find one...
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    How much longer does Fran get?

    It's insanity to even ask this question.. Do you realize the mess that Fran inherited? Fran has gotten Iowa back to the level of the Tom Davis days. I don't know if its possible for this program to ever achieve anything more than that. For whatever reason ,this is not the destination that top BB...
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    !*****Official Jok's Personal Trainer @ Windy Kittie Game Thread*****!

    I am exited to watch them. Fun group of youngsters to watch.
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    Excited for Bab

    Iowa has done a great job of sending lineman to the NFL.. I don't understand why those kids wouldn't be lining up to have a chance to play here. I can't wait to see Espensa.
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    Not just underated but ignored superstar?

    He keeps it up,he should be POY. But he'll get screwed just like any other deserving Iowa player because he doesn't play for other schools that begin with I.
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    "Pro Set" offense

    Thats an insult to high school talent.
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    Howe: Brian Ferentz Groomed for Pressures of New Position

    its put up or shut up time for Brian. I think he will be successful. If not, I really doubt tha KF will stick out his remaining contract and we can move on.
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    The Elephant in the room

    ARE THE APTHETIC HAWKEYE BB FANS. Good grief ,what a sorry crowd for a Big 10 game. Nebraska packs a stadium to watch a sport that until recently was something they did until spring football. I know there are alot of valid reasons why Carver no longer packs them in. But to me the biggest hurdle...
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    New OC

    This is the way I see it also. I don't understand why everyone can't see this. If Brian crashes and burns as OC,his HC chances burn also. KF will do everything possible to see that he succeeds.
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    Don't be fooled by Ferentz

    If Brian becomes the OC..Expect KF to allow him to do things that will make the offense 'better". I beleive KF main motivation to keep coaching is to see Brian succeed him as HC. The only way this happens is Brian succeeds as OC. If not,he becomes the lightening rod that demands change from the...
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    We've gone as far as we can go with Kirk

    Barta got away with making his mistake the first time. I really hope KF will only stick around for a couple more seasons,then calls it a career. Thats the only way oout of that damn contract.
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    Hey Jon.....

    Jon is not hiding behind a user name on a message board. I must admit,there's stuff I've posted that I would be embarrassed about if my real name was associated with it. He also has a life ..wife ,kids,responsibilities. Real life. It sucks that we got beat like a red headed step child again in a...
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    Bohannon crow anyone?

    HaHa yes..better already as a freshman. That and the bigs ability to finish and they are only freshman.
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    Bohannon crow anyone?

    I am very impressed with Bohannon. He is already better than Gessell ever was.
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    How ya all feeling now?

    I had Sling and while its nice to get live TV, their streaming sucks big time. I very rarely got high DEF picture either. SO I switched to playstation vue when I found out my ROKU carried it. It's the bomb..much better and I got BTN comcast,ESPN ,FOX sports.. much better deal.
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    Down Goes NDSU

    Hard to get up for these games,when you won your superbowl back in Sept.
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    Here's how Gator fans feel about facing Iowa, most are not happy.

    They better take it back about the uniforms.Their the best in college football. Now I'm pissed.
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    That Ohio St. win sickened me....

    my thoughts exactly. I hate OSU most of all because of their fans. I really wish they would screw the pooch like Nebraska and go thru successive bad hires and experience what that feels like.