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  1. B

    Are Wirfs, Jackson, Epenesa NFL Ready?

    doesn't matter what we think. Its what the NFL scouts see that matters. I would say no to all them if they want to go 1st round. But why stick around and risk injury or get the Desmond King treatment. I am disapointed in Espy. I thought he would be much more dominate despite the double teams and...
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    2 Pedos Guilty of Targeting

    You can bet they won't get away with it at Michigan. The refs actually made some calls that we never got at Mighigan. Still not enough to help this putrid offense.
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    Key issue

    Why the hell is Ragani still fielding PRs. He is awful. The worst I have seen. Fair catches at the 5..totally misplayed that one which fortunately didn't bounce off his for a td. Never returns anything. He is the cause of piss poor field position. he's a decent WR though.
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    Iowa will still win the West

    Not sure Op is serious
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    Condensed replay

    Stanley does so many things well but he still hasn't learned to put the touch on those long balls. Something I doubt he figures out while a Hawk. Maybe as a pro. I don't know how running QBs survive a season uninjured.
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    Demise of HS Football - When Will this Impact P5?

    The thing thats great about football is allows for all different body types to compete. Big slow kids can play the line where size andstrength is an advantage. Smaller faster kids play the skill positions. Football is the truest team sport there is. When I played HS football there was no...
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    Story: Michigan Transfer Oliver Martin Checks Out Iowa

    I wish this was true,then OM would actually have a chance of getting a waiver.
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    Oliver Martin Transfer

    My son played football with Martin. He said he was a great teammate..Good person. I was disappointed he didn't choose Iowa because of our need at WR. But I sure couldn't blame him if he wanted to get out of state. I hope he comes back. I don't think he's a star at this level. But he sure could...
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    Offseason - Major Disappointment

    I won't miss Cook except for his monster dunks. Thats what he did best. He was a selfish player. He thought he was much better than he was.After the Tenn game he said he was the best player on the court..really? Nunge and Pemsl know their limitations and play team ball. They will kick the ball...
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    This pretty much sums it up

    Stanley will likely break the record for TDs in a career. But it sure looks decieving when you think of all the what could have beens, He's been a decent QB,but I won't miss him. I would love for any number of our former QBs to have those TE weapons at their disposal. I wish KF would go full...
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    Time for a New Arena?

    I wish that the AD would try seating students behind the bench and give us some kind of homecourt advantage. Why is it everywhere else in the BIG they can do this? Iowa is screwing themselves by not investing in a student experience that will develop the future donors when the current ones...
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    Watching Purdue

    If Purdue can't get to the final 4 with a superstud PG like Edwards...its never going to happen.
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    STORY: Hockenson, Hooker & Stanley among Hawkeye underclassmen seeking NFL Feedback

    I hope Stanley goes so we can move on. He has the tools but not the head to be any better
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    This is gonna be a LOOONG season

    I think the problem is we're Iowa. I don't think we'll ever win a BIG BB championship in my life time. I got another 30 years life expectancy.
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    Time to grow up, Fran...

    everytime VT went to the basket, their players initiated the contact and a foul was called. Any time we had the ball and tried to get to the hoop there was a VT player chesting up and shoving to keep us away from the basket with no call. I'm not saying it was the difference in who won the game...
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    We are Young

    The thing that always bit Iowa BB in the past where our star players getting injured,or getting in trouble with the law or flunking out. Since Fran has arrived, most of that nonsense has disapeared. Players appear to enjoy playing for him and want to be a part of something he is building.
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    Patrick McCaffery Commits to Iowa

    I am disapointed that Fran didn't produce more kids. Iowa BB needs all the 4* they can get.
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    Tied for 5th...whoda thunk few wks back?

    Posters like him really tick me off. They have no clue. Fran is the best thing to happen to Iowa BB since Lute. We are very fortunate to have him.
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    The Breakdown: Michigan State Wears Down Hawkeyes

    Yep like your post ,but it pisses me off that they always get away with that shit. Thug BB. And there is a double standard with respect to what coaches get away with. Izzo can get away with blowing his stack and its called working the refs. Fran does it and its called a kniption fit even by his...
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    The Breakdown: Michigan State Wears Down Hawkeyes

    Those frickin refs from the Minnesota game cost us these 2 games. We should have won in regulation and would have been better off losing in it. Those overtimes helped wear our legs out in this game. Fresh legs and I would have liked our chances in pulling this game out. I think we'll give...