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  1. Casualfan

    JBO Update?

    I am starting to wonder if he will even be back. I'm sure this was a blow to his ego.
  2. Casualfan

    JBO Update?

    It's been strangely quiet
  3. Casualfan

    JBo Reddit Thread Highlights

    I guess I just assumed if charges would be filed it would have already happened.
  4. Casualfan

    JBo Reddit Thread Highlights

    Has it been confirmed he has an attorney involved?
  5. Casualfan

    JBo Reddit Thread Highlights

    It seems very odd that there was plenty of witnesses at the altercation and there have been no leaks. I mean even jordan has been mute on social media.
  6. Casualfan

    Jordan Bohannon Involved in Physical Altercation

    Is the name of the attacker gonna be released?
  7. Casualfan

    Jordan Bohannon Involved in Physical Altercation

    Are you Jordan's father?
  8. Casualfan

    Jordan Bohannon Involved in Physical Altercation

    You gotta think if jordan presses charges that the person he threw ice at will press charges against him. Hell I've seen people get assault charges for spitting.
  9. Casualfan

    Jordan Bohannon Involved in Physical Altercation

    Twitter is saying it's an ex Cyclone football player that punched jordan.
  10. Casualfan

    Jordan Bohannon Involved in Physical Altercation

    It's hard for me to make an opinion on whether he deserved getting blasted from the video. If it's true he was throwing drinks or ice then I guess if you mess with the bull you get the horn.
  11. Casualfan

    Iowa Football Building Relationship with Jaren Kanak

    Luna Larsons tape look really good just not quite as fast but looks like a stereotypical Iowa lb
  12. Casualfan

    Iowa Football Building Relationship with Jaren Kanak

    Thanks for the info
  13. Casualfan


    I'm thinking if petras improves his accuracy some we have the horses to make the BIG championship game.
  14. Casualfan

    JJ Kohl An Emerging '23 In-State QB Prospect

    He looks like a really good prospect. What do you think are chances are Rob?
  15. Casualfan


    Do you know what podcast this was?
  16. Casualfan

    Pandemic Pay cuts

    There were layoffs
  17. Casualfan

    Pandemic Pay cuts

    I guess if my kid was a monkey bar participant and it was cut I'd care. The problem with society is as long as something doesn't negatively effect them then they think it's not a problem.
  18. Casualfan

    Pandemic Pay cuts

    I just read the Gazette article and it doesn't look good. It seems if I remember correctly most every staff across the country took some sort of pay cut.
  19. Casualfan


    I don't understand the snarkiness.
  20. Casualfan


    My coworker who watched the spring game