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  1. Casualfan

    Hogan to Kentucky

    If Hogan can't beat out Petras or Padilla he had no chance at playing.
  2. Casualfan

    Good QBs galore in portal

    It would be nice to have it explained what about the system is so difficult to grasp then. The offense was better under Davis by far and he was canned rather quickly.
  3. Casualfan

    Good QBs galore in portal

    I get tired of everyone saying our system is so hard to learn. It's just a lazy excuse. It's no harder to learn than the spread/RPO, we just don't stretch the field. Our wrs and tight ends haven't produced like in the past and that comes from Petras. He is so inaccurate and can't make reads.
  4. Casualfan

    Good QBs galore in portal

    As much as I'd like to get a transfer qb we have Kirk's long track record of handling that position.
  5. Casualfan

    Good QBs galore in portal

    We have one more year of Petras.
  6. Casualfan

    Howe: Time for Change

    Thanks for the article Rob. This offense is worse than when GD was here. I'm sure Parker is tired of carrying Brian's load.
  7. Casualfan

    Tyler Goodson skipping bowl game

    Where is he projected to go?
  8. Casualfan

    Nwankpa Picked The Hawks

  9. Casualfan

    KF Regrets Last Week's Comments About Deuce Hogan

    Kirk is so hard to read, I couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. Part of me thinks you don't start out "with all due respect" then act like it was a joke. I think he's been very smug and arrogant in the past few years, but maybe it's just me growing tired of him.
  10. Casualfan

    Anyone hearing Brian Ferentz to Oklahoma as OC rumors?

    Lol this is funny
  11. Casualfan

    Lincoln Riley to USC leaving Oklahoma

    Is this legit?
  12. Casualfan

    The official Iowa vs Nebraska game thread

    If the D doesn't score we lose
  13. Casualfan

    The official Iowa vs Nebraska game thread

    Hogan time.
  14. Casualfan

    Iowa Nebraska line

    Well at least we can use the Padilla is sick excuse..
  15. Casualfan

    Iowa Nebraska line

    I'm assuming you mean both our qbs?
  16. Casualfan

    Martinez is out on Friday

    This is good news
  17. Casualfan

    Yes, Iowa won, but…

    10-2 should get us in a January bowl game.
  18. Casualfan

    Heads rolling today....

    This is like staying with women (3) and not thinking you can get a 7. Obviously a 10 is out of the question ya rube.
  19. Casualfan

    Petras injury

  20. Casualfan

    O line?

    I don't think this just snuck up on them.