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  1. S

    Recap, Reaction: Cy-Hawk Dual

    Maybe Block can go to 157, and we try Cullan at 141 or bring up Kale to 141 maybe 125 is to small for him, I like Cruz he just has to wrestle 7 Min. Try Miguel at 157, we have options to get by, Rathjen, Otto, we are ok. Just trying to put the pieces together, Mix it up.
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    Watch: Iowa Wrestling Interviews 11-12-24

    Thanks for the videos, hope we see Kennedy soon. I think he deserves it.
  3. S

    Next Years Team 2025

    125-Delucca 133-Drake 141-Black 149-Block,VV, Rathjen 157-Estrada,Rathjen 165-Cali. 174- Arnold, Ferrari 184-Ferrari, Arnold 197- HELP HWT-Kueter Thats a team to beat. Need help at 197.
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    Spencer Lee Captures Olympic Silver

    Be Proud Spencer!
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    125-Champ, A.A. 133- N/A 141- N/A 149- Champ, A.A 157- A.A 165- Champ, A.A 174- A.A 184- A.A 197-A.A HWT-A.A Not unless we have guys come down from 149 to 141, and get lucky at 133. Other then that prove me wrong.
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    197- Zach Glazier, nothing else to be said, I do think he could be A.A. HWT - Ben Kueter, Bradley Hill, Ben could be A.A., Bradley, good for some points but not A.A.
  7. S

    Next Years Team!

    I know way to early, but here it goes with the team we have so far. 125 - Drake Ayala 133 - Otto Black 141- VVIII 149 -Caleb Rathjen 157 - Ryder Block 165- Michael Caliendo 174- Patrick Kennedy 184 - Gabe Arnold 197 - Angelo Ferrari HWT - Ben Kueter Thats a good team if they can make weight.
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    174-Gabe Arnold, Pat Kennedy, Nelson Brands, - Who ever wrestles here High A.A 184- Nelson Brands, Gabe Arnold, - Good chance of A.A 174/184- Ferrari??
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    197 from Oklahoma State?

    Any chance we can pic up 197 from Oka. St.?
  10. S


    157-Cobe Siebrecht, Caleb Rathjen, Michael Caliendo, Pat Kennedy, and Ferrari 165- Michael Caliendo, Pat Kennedy, Cobe Siebrecht, Ferrari Does not matter what weight, all who wrestle at both weights go to the NCAAs. Caliendo will be champ or A.A. at both weights. Kennedy will A.A. at both...
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    141-Ryder Block, VVIII 149-Kyle Parco, Caleb Rathjen, VVIII If Block and Parco get in, A.A. for sure, Rathjen and VVIII get in, and outside chance of A.A.
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    What is are best option- If Ayala goes to 133 that leaves us with Cruz. Cruz is no slouch, but at that point can he win enough, and make the opponent score less? Cullan Schriever is in his Sr. year. He should be going for it all. If he does then we have a good one two punch at the two weights...
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    125-Drake Ayala- Joey Cruz 133-Drake Ayala - Cullan Schriever - Kale Petersen
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    Now that we got Parco what does the line up look like, is Block in this year? We are stacked from 149-184, does anyone transfer?
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    Spencer Lee vs Gilman

    i hope he brings back a Gold. This is what he was aiming for since he was a kid.
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    Think we have a chance on Blaze 133 seems a good fit for Iowa and him. Whats the crystal ball say?
  17. S

    Hill or Kueter HWT

    Need to start getting some Heavyweights that are trained not to collar tie. Dont get me wrong its a good move but if you have a fast strong heavyweight. Verses a strong slow heavyweight, as we have seen lately it just doesnt cut it.
  18. S

    Hill or Kueter HWT

    I know everyone is keen on Kueter, but Hill, pretty good wrestler in High school, Redshirt Freshman and gets into the Dance, also ranked 22nd at end of year. Full time wrestler. his focus is full time wrestling. Just going to get better. Kueter outstanding wrestler, part time wrestler. His focus...
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    What will happen to Kennedy

    looks tough for Kennedy to have a spot with Nelson coming back, maybe 157? He will have to take on Cobe.
  20. S

    Whos coming back?

    So they have Nelson and Cobe coming back why not the other two?