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  1. F

    Eduoardo Coorochio

    Well in the show Frank Costanza thought of it while he was "raining blows" upon another man for a doll.
  2. F

    Eduoardo Coorochio

    You're good. Prior to the infamous black and white cookie, when was the last time Jerry had vomited? specific date
  3. F

    Eduoardo Coorochio

    Time to take it up a notch. Sticking with cosmo though. Where did the idea for Kramer's character come from?
  4. F

    Eduoardo Coorochio

    I'll jump on this bandwagon.... In the pilot, Kramer's name was not Kramer. What was it and how did they explain the change later?
  5. F

    I despise fo$u, but....

    that place is rockin
  6. F

    Vin, you owe me $25

    You can take comfort in the fact that you outsmarted the wiley old vintagehawkeye. Those chances don't come around very often.
  7. F

    Vin, you owe me $25

    It appears cyclones17 was the only one to accept it.
  8. F

    Vin, you owe me $25

    passer rating = passer efficiency (what was specified in the bet) So if wasabe actually accepted the bet he would be the recipient of a $25 bill. But I don't think he ever accepted it after it was thrown out on the table.
  9. F

    I Like Tim Tebow

    Contributing nothing is better than contributing the garbage you're spewing out. But because you are the end all be all of knowledgeable posters here.... I believe that Tebow is doing nothing wrong. He believes what he believes, and he can't help that he has a camera in his face all the time...
  10. F

    I Like Tim Tebow

    Well it must make me ignorant. I don't know why you want to create an entire persona for a message board, especially a persona that annoys people. That makes you desperate for attention, or a tool. Which is it?
  11. F

    I Like Tim Tebow

    It is histerically ironic that you don't like zealous people.
  12. F

    Oklahoma St > Iowa b/c of Offense

    You're hopeless. Some people need to learn to give up on an argument when they've been proven wrong. Edit: You're on the right track.
  13. F

    Oklahoma St > Iowa b/c of Offense

    No, but some of them are better than mcnutt, and if they can't consistently catch 15 balls a game how do you expect mcnutt too? You can't seriously be this dense.
  14. F

    Is anyone else getting sick of hearing about how great Joe Paterno is

    Stop grasping at straws. He did the very minimum that was asked of him by law, but morally he fell far short. Even after reporting it to the AD, nothing happened. How can you not follow up on that situation? And don't think for a second that over the course of 9 years JoPa did not see...
  15. F

    Is anyone else getting sick of hearing about how great Joe Paterno is

    You need to re-read the report.... "Joseph V. Paterno testified to receiving the graduate assistant's report at his home on a Saturday morning. Paterno testified that the graduate assistant was very upset. Paterno called Tim Curley ("Curley"), Penn State Athletic Director and Paterno's...
  16. F

    Is anyone else getting sick of hearing about how great Joe Paterno is

    He testified under oath! He already told everyone what he knew and wishes he would have done more. How can you not get that through your head?
  17. F

    Is anyone else getting sick of hearing about how great Joe Paterno is

    Quit being so ignorant. Read the grand jury report and what JoPa himself has said. He testified that mcqueary told him he had seen an innappropriate act between sandusky and a little boy. With the prior incident in '98 with Sandusky, JoPa had to believe something like that could happen. He...
  18. F

    Penn State Students Rioting!

    Exactly, it's not a "lapse" if it lasts for 13 years. It's a flaw.
  19. F

    Victims number now up to 20

    This sad excuse for a human being had access to any young boy he wanted through the second mile for more than 10 years. I wouldn't be surprised if this number was closer to 100. It will be interesting to see how many come forward.