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  1. 311hawk

    Wet Saturday

    I like to get wet on Saturday
  2. 311hawk

    How many seats are in a row at kinnick stadium??

    I think you are right. I think thre are 71 rows ? something like that
  3. 311hawk

    Tailgating Info for saturday request

    Lots of good places. Golf course, Fink commuter, magic bus Get there early...I would say 9AM or prior.
  4. 311hawk

    If you could choose any home & home....(revised)

    1) Texas 2) ND 3) OU 4) FLA 5) Tenn
  5. 311hawk

    who is Iowa's fastest LB?

    Morris hands down
  6. 311hawk

    Jon's look at Iowa D

    I wouldnt count on Sash being back. I would have said a for sure lock to be gone, but he hasnt had a great start to the year so I am going to say 50/50
  7. 311hawk

    Sound Off Michigan

    I will be there. Anyone got any hotel help for Saturday night?
  8. 311hawk

    Favorite Fullback

    Jeremy Allen Best athlete we have had in a Long time at that position, and that is saying something.
  9. 311hawk

    Michigan Trip Help

    A group of us are going to AA for the game and havnet been able to score a hotel yet. Anyone had any luck or cancelling a room that you want to give to a hawk fan? Any help would be....helpful.
  10. 311hawk

    Michigan State??

    They always have a lot of talent. They just dont always put it together. We will see.
  11. 311hawk

    Daniel Murray status for this weekend

    Good news. While I dont think he is our best kicker, he seems to be the best "game" kicker we have.
  12. 311hawk

    ANF Stickers

    And Gameday Iowa Boom Roasted!
  13. 311hawk

    Mike Leach to coach at New Mexico??

    Great hire for them
  14. 311hawk

    Help with Tailgating Itinerary

    Why go to Omaha coming from Chicago?
  15. 311hawk


    Is it me or do they play BIB a little too long? I like the entrance, just seems a litte drawn out and feel like they need to shorten BIB a smidge