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  1. bws258

    Illegible Font

    who picked the font on the menus and left side profile info for posters? it is illegible
  2. bws258

    Football Herky

    What happened to Football Herky?
  3. bws258

    And where is the official game thread?

    what they hell happened to football Herky?
  4. bws258

    Kinnick Stadium Music

    some truth to that, but really, none of them work if you are getting smoked
  5. bws258

    @Alabama and lose a home game?

    What's your point? None of those rural kids care about N.Texas either. Do you think a kid from DM, CR, or Lamoni is more likely to go to Hawaii because UNI is playing out there this year? Honestly? BTW, do you know where Denton is?
  6. bws258

    Kinnick Stadium Music

    We already know what they play now ... but what should they be playing? Post songs you'd like to here, and when you'd like to hear them. Example, I think we need something more exciting to get the crowd pumped for the 4th quarter rathern than the band playing some mellowed-out version of a...
  7. bws258

    Miller & Deace Podcast: Deace Thinks Iowa Can Go Undefeated

    as long as the big-time prognosticators are picking us to finish behind the Goofers, I think we'll be alright.
  8. bws258

    @Alabama and lose a home game?

    WRONG I wonder how many 16/17 y/o kids in Texas even know where Denton is!? Playing N.Texas gets us not-a-damn-thing ... playing marquee names gets us mentioned with marquee names. Look at what Izzo's done with MSU basketball ... he schedules like Duke does, not like we do. You think some...
  9. bws258

    Three Mags Out, Iowa Not in Top 25

    glad to hear it, love being the darkhorse
  10. bws258

    One player, who's the key for success next season??

    White ... if he can be the man, rather than the disappearing-man, then this team could be good ... Gessel's got the heart, the shooters are there, the Woody & Gabe are solid down low, it's gotta be White that makes the difference ... he has the ability, if he can just figure out how to bring it...
  11. bws258

    Your first Iowa game? Your kids's?

    No, that was MY first Hawkeye football game, and we lost 31-7 ... and I was sitting with my Illini-alum, still-lives-in-Champaign aunt :[
  12. bws258

    Iowa offered 2016 PF TJ Leaf

    I saw a flat shot and a loose handle
  13. bws258

    A plan at Forward

  14. bws258

    Chicago Cubs 2014 Season Thread (super-official)

    to the people who want the cubs spending a lot more, right now ... this team is not a contender with 1,2, or 5 extra high-priced free agents, but they have improved the system. That's not my judgement, that's what I read everywhere, by people who study such things for a living. So if I was an...
  15. bws258

    Tanner Miller to the Packers

    another former Hawk who is dead to me
  16. bws258

    11am kickoffs UGH....

    love the 11 AMs ... home for supper also like the 7pms hate the 2:30s
  17. bws258

    James Morris, Casey Kreiter updates.

    Boffeli best chance to make a team, of this group
  18. bws258

    James Morris not drafted

    What's Morris's "strength"? I watched him for 4 years, I couldn't identify it. He was okay, not great, at everything as best I could tell. Couple that with a below-average size, and why would anyone draft him?