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  1. W

    Marcel Joly

    He rages because he cares. Fran has a problem with social distancing it looks like.
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    Gary Barta Press Conference 1 p.m. CT Today

    The jails do not have enough room for this.
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    I can't even in church any more. Bad knees and if i try they hurt the rest of the day.
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    Another Ferentz moving up

    Is that Ex-Iowa defensive coach still at BC?
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    Gary Barta Press Conference 1 p.m. CT Today

    so no to beer sales?
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    Impossible to kneel in the stands, and I would never anyway. Individual thing. I stand for all those of every gender and race that died in combat or in service of country. That is what it is to me.
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    Washed up Walkons this week

    The truth is somewhere in between in almost all these cases.
  8. W

    Another Ferentz moving up

    Headed to the Fins..........................
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    Could the Iowa football program end up better from this?

    Hell yeah, always gettin better.
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    KF Press Conference @ 2pm

    Oh Kirk can still give him a good paddle on the rear end. I wonder how many times he had to lower the boom on Brian when he was growing up. Had to be at least a half dozen times.
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    Iowa Football's Matt Hankins Posts That He Will Kneel During Anthem

    My only question will be what is next. If this becomes the norm across the country which I am sure it will now, will it garner the attention it has in the past, or will it become ordinary and so we will have to move to something else?
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    KF Press Conference @ 2pm

    They will still watch with their curtains closed.
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    KF Press Conference @ 2pm

    I think it was accused of being "predictable".
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    KF Press Conference @ 2pm

    Remember way back when everyone used to complain about Ken O Keefe. I think one of the few without any accusation against him. I've never seen him yell at anyone.
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    KF Press Conference @ 2pm

    Do the players get a vote in who starts now? They should let the players call the plays on both sides.
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    It's time for the Bob Stoops discussion . . .

    Beliema would come back. Stoops not. Better stock up the local buffets if Bert ever comes back. Check out Bert's latest ...................................
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    KF Press Conference @ 2pm

    Done no matter what.
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    KF Press Conference @ 2pm

    You are talking like Seth Wallace now..................
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    KF Press Conference @ 2pm

    Chris's incentive to settle would be to avoid much more coming out. Iowa's is to just have him go away and look to the future. Both sides have an interest in settling it fairly quickly. Some donor might step up and kick in the $ to cover it. Pretty sure a family coincidentally made a large...
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    KF Press Conference @ 2pm

    He might still be fixing the flats on his car though.