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    Kentucky Big Man Trey James Enjoys Virtual Visit with Hawkeyes

    Shot blockers are always a huge benefit. I'd love to see him get an offer. It will be hard to land Wiznitzer.
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    Iowa at #25 in Athlon Poll

    ISU at 17. Somebody's drinkin' the kool aid!
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    Fox B1G conference odds

    Frost has been around long enough to show his colors. Not the messiah.
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    Fox B1G conference odds

    It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the media can forget last season's performance. Nebby sucks.
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    Skyler Bell Pushes Back Commitment Date

    Was Skyler Bell on Hee Haw?
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    DJK is a college coach

    DJK will make a good coach I think. He's got fire and a big personality (which tripped Kirk's trigger) and should be a very good recruiter. Congrats DJK!
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    Will We Have Football in the Fall?

    The limited amount of fans thing is unworkable. Yes you can space them out in the stadium itself, but entry and exit will be uncontrollable. If you let 10% into Kinnick or about 7000 people and you have a line spaced 6 ft apart, you have about an 8 mile long line. People won't have the patience...
  8. T

    STORY: Hawkeyes Pull Wide Receiver Keagan Johnson Out of Nebraska

    Nebby: We didn't really want him anyway. There are a lot of higher ranked guys out there. Blah, blah, blah. It's the same schtick they blow every time they lose a recruit.
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    Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

    Isn't his sister the one that personally poisoned that dissident in Hong Kong?
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    Which player will improve the most by next season?

    I can't believe how he was able to get shots off against the tall trees. If he continues to work on his jump shot, he will really improve. The athleticism and heart are already there.
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    STORY: Broncos Select Iowa Football's Michael Ojemudia in 3rd Round of NFL Draft

    It's great to see my Broncos filling up with Hawkeyes! Josey, Noah and OJ!
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    Given the total cancellation of spring practice.....

    Sales of home defense are booming. People are going to defend their Charmin. Book on "How to Wipe Your Ass With One Sheet" tops the NYTimes bestseller list.
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    Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

    Younger people that are unconcerned about the virus because it is generally easy to get over at their age continue to go out to bars or dinner and effectively all become typhoid mary spreading this to everyone else. Thanks for that!
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    Really, Hawks?

    Both losses to PU were particularly upsetting because everybody else seems to be able to beat them, but FrankenHaarms and Old Man Boudreaux seem to tear us a new one every time we play them. They had lost 4 of 5 before the other night. Sheesh.
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    Garza possible career scoring and rebound leader...if he stays

    I am still doubtful Luka comes back. I know Frank supposedly said he's coming back, but Luka is of age and will make his own decisions. With more scorers available next year, I think it will reduce his scoring opportunities. He may see that and enter the draft. I hope not, but he may well go.
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    Tristan Wirfs and the draft

    Fantasy pros must not believe TW's record breaking numbers are correct. He couldn't possibly put up those numbers without "Elite" athleticism.
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    Shooting slumps of marksmen and players under Fran

    Luka's outside shot was AWOL against MSU and he still put up 20 pts. Joe needs to drive more and shoot the mid range shot if the 3's aren't falling. Instead, he just disappeared.
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    Game Report: Hawkeyes Keep It Rolling at Home Against Ohio State

    Just rewatched this game and I can't believe what Ohio Statemgets away with on defense. Hands constantly on their man and slapping at the ball, but getting lots of arm. We would foul out the whole team if we tried that.
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    Did Nate level off his last season?

    Peyton Manning never averaged 7 yards on qb sneaks.
  20. T

    Paying Student Athletes: Iowa is jumping in

    I hear PJ Fleck is looking for accomplished boat rowers.